Release Notes for X11R7.5


These release notes contains information about features and their status in the X.Org Foundation X11R7.5 release.

Table of Contents
Introduction to the X11R7.5 Release
Summary of new features in X11R7.5
Overview of X11R7.5
Details of X11R7.5 components
Build changes and issues
Deprecated components and removal plans

Introduction to the X11R7.5 Release

This release is the sixth modular release of the X Window System. The next full release will be X11R7.6 and is expected in 2010.

Unlike X11R1 through X11R6.9, X11R7.x releases are not built from one monolithic source tree, but many individual modules. These modules are distributed as individual source code releases, and each one is released when it is ready, instead of only when the overall window system is ready for release. The X11R7.x releases are made by “rolling up” the individual module releases into a collection that is often affectionately called the “katamari” by the developers.

The X11R7.5 release does not include all of the software formerly included in the previous X Window System releases. It is designed to be a reasonable baseline from which to start when building the window system for the first time for a new installation, distribution, or package set. It does not provide a full desktop environment, expecting a more feature rich set of applications to be installed from one of the several excellent desktop environments available for the X Window System. The X.Org developers continue to maintain and produce new releases of much of the software that was formerly in the main window system releases but is no longer included in the katamari releases, including many of the Athena Widgets desktop applications that were provided as samples in previous window system versions.

Once their window system build is established, most builders watch for announcements of individual module updates on the xorg-announce mailing list and update to those as needed. The X.Org Foundation currently releases the X Window System katamari releases approximately once a year, but many modules, especially the X servers and drivers, are updated more frequently between those releases.

For help with how to build and develop in the modular tree see the Modular Developer's Guide in the X.Org wiki.

We encourage you to submit bug fixes and enhancements to's bug tracking system using the xorg product, and to discuss them on . More details on patch submission and review process are available on the SubmittingPatches page of the X.Org wiki.

The release numbering is based on the original MIT X numbering system. X11 refers to the version of the network protocol that the X Window system is based on: Version 11 was first released in 1988 and has been stable for 21 years, with only upward compatible additions to the core X protocol, a record of stability envied in computing. Formal releases of X started with X version 9 from MIT; the first commercial X products were based on X version 10. The MIT X Consortium and its successors, the X Consortium, the Open Group X Project Team, and the X.Org Group released versions X11R3 through X11R6.6. Since the founding of the X.Org Foundation in early 2004, many further releases have been issued, from X11R6.7 to the current 7.5.

The next section describes what is new in the latest version (7.5) compared with the previous full release (7.4).

Summary of new features in X11R7.5

This is a sampling of the new features in X11R7.5. A more complete list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog files that are part of the source of each X module.

Overview of X11R7.5

On most platforms, X11R7.5 has a single hardware-driving X server binary called Xorg. This binary can dynamically load the video drivers, input drivers, and other modules that are needed. Xorg has currently has support for Linux, Solaris, and some BSD OSs on Alpha, PowerPC, IA-64, AMD64, Intel x86, Sparc, and MIPS platforms.

Additional specialized X server binaries may be found depending on the platform and build configuration, including:


is a proxy X server that uses one or more other X servers as its display devices. It provides multi-head X functionality for displays that might be located on different machines.


is a nested X server, that operates as both an X client and X server. Xnest is a client of the real server which manages windows and graphics requests on its behalf. Xnest is a server to its own clients, and manages windows and graphics requests on their behalf. To these clients, it appears to be a conventional server.


is a X server that outputs to a window on a pre-existing “host” X display. Unlike Xnest which is an X proxy, and thus limited to the capabilities of the host X server, Xephyr is a full X server which uses the host X server window as a “framebuffer” via fast SHM XImages.


is a virtual framebuffer X server that can run on machines with no display hardware and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory.


is an X server that interacts with the MacOS X native Aqua window system, displaying windows on the Mac desktop and accepting input from the Mac system devices, allowing X11 applications to be used in a native Mac desktop session.


is an X server that runs under the Cygwin environment, interacting with the Microsoft Windows native window system, displaying windows on the Windows desktop and accepting input from the Windows system devices, allowing X11 applications to be used in a native Windows desktop session.

Details of X11R7.5 components

Video Drivers

X11R7.5 includes the following video drivers:

Driver NameDescriptionFurther Information
apmAlliance Pro MotionREADME.apm
arkArk Logic 
astASPEED Technology 
chipsChips & TechnologiesREADME.chips, chips(4)
cirrusCirrus Logic 
fbdevLinux framebuffer devicefbdev(4)
geode (*)AMD Geode GX and LX 
glint3Dlabs, TIglint(4)
i128Number NineREADME.I128, i128(4)
i740Intel i740README.i740
imsttIntegrated Micro Solns 
intelIntel i8xx/, intel(4)
mach64ATI Mach64README.ati
newport (-)SGI NewportREADME.newport, newport(4)
nscNational Semiconductornsc(4)
r128ATI Rage128README.r128, r128(4)
radeonATI Radeonradeon(4)
renditionRenditionREADME.rendition, rendition(4)
s3S3 (not ViRGE or Savage) 
s3virgeS3 ViRGEREADME.s3virge, s3virge(4)
savageS3 Savagesavage(4)
siliconmotionSilicon Motionsiliconmotion(4)
sisSiSREADME.SiS, sis(4)
sisusbSiS USBsisusb(4)
suncg14 (+)Sun cg14 
suncg3 (+)Sun cg3 
suncg6 (+)Sun GX and Turbo GX 
sunffb (+)Sun Creator/3D, Elite 3D 
sunleo (+)Sun Leo (ZX) 
suntcx (+)Sun TCX 
tdfx3Dfx Voodoo Banshee, 3, 4 & 5tdfx(4)
tsengTseng Labs 
vmwareVMware guest OSvmware(4)
voodoo3Dfx Voodoo 1 & 2voodoo(4)
wsfbWorkstation Framebufferwsfb(4)
xgixpXGI XPxgixp(4)

Drivers marked with (*) are present in a preliminary form in this release, but are not complete and/or stable yet.

Drivers marked with (+) are for Linux/Sparc only.

Drivers marked with (-) are for Linux/mips only.

Input Drivers

X11R7.5 includes the following input drivers:

Driver NameDescriptionFurther Information
acecadAcecad Flairacecad(4)
aiptek(*)Aiptek USB tabletaiptek(4)
evdev(*)Linux kernel EvDevevdev(4)
kbdgeneric keyboards (non-evdev systems)kbd(4)
mousemost mouse devices (non-evdev systems)mousedrv(4)
synapticsSynaptics & ALP touchpadssynaptics(4)
vmmouseVMWare virtual mousevmmousedrv(4)
voiddummy devicevoid(4)

Drivers marked with (*) are available for Linux only.

Xorg server

Loader and Modules

The Xorg server relies on the operating system's native module loader support for handling program modules. The X server makes use of modules for video drivers, X server extensions, input device drivers, framebuffer layers, and internal components used by some drivers (like XAA & EXA).

The module interfaces (both API and ABI) used in this release are subject to change without notice. While we will attempt to provide backward compatibility for the module interfaces, we cannot guarantee this. Compatibility in the other direction is explicitly not guaranteed because new modules may rely on interfaces added in new releases.

WarningNote about module security

The X server runs with root privileges, i.e., the X server loadable modules also run with these privileges. For this reason we recommend that all users be careful to only use loadable modules from reliable sources, otherwise the introduction of viruses and contaminated code can occur and wreak havoc on your system. We hope to have a mechanism for signing/verifying the modules that we provide available in a future release.

Configuration File

The Xorg server uses a configuration file as the primary mechanism for providing configuration and run-time parameters. The configuration file format is described in detail in the xorg.conf(5) manual page.

Note that this release features significant improvements for running the server without a configuration file, so many users may find that that they don't need a configuration file.

If you do need to customize the configuration file, see the xorg.conf manual page . You can also check the driver-specific manual pages and the related documentation (found at driver tables) also.

The recommended method for generating a configuration file is to use the Xorg server itself. Run as root:

        Xorg -configure
and follow the instructions.

Command Line Options

Command line options can be used to override some default parameters and parameters provided in the configuration file. These command line options are described in the Xorg(1) manual page.


The XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA) was completely rewritten from scratch for XFree86 4.x and is used in X11R7.5. Most drivers implement acceleration by making use of the XAA module.


EXA was created as a new driver acceleration architecture to replace XAA. EXA was designed specifically to accelerate Render operations. This release features improved driver support for EXA. See the individual driver changelogs for details.


Some multi-head configurations are supported in X11R7.5. Support for multiple PCI/AGP cards may require a kernel with changes to support VGA arbitration.

One of the main problems is with drivers not sufficiently initializing cards that were not initialized at boot time. This has been improved somewhat with the INT10 support that is used by most drivers (which allows secondary card to be "soft-booted", but in some cases there are other issues that still need to be resolved. Some combinations can be made to work better by changing which card is the primary card (either by using a different PCI slot, or by changing the system BIOS's preference for the primary card).


Xinerama is an X server extension that allows multiple physical screens to behave as a single screen. With traditional multi-head in X11, windows cannot span or cross physical screens. Xinerama removes this limitation. Xinerama does, however, require that the physical screens all have the same root depth, so it isn't possible, for example, to use an 8-bit screen together with a 16-bit screen in Xinerama mode.

Xinerama is not enabled by default, and can be enabled with the +xinerama command line option for the X server.


The VESA® Display Data Channel (DDCTM) standard allows the monitor to tell the video card (or in some cases the computer directly) about itself; particularly the supported screen resolutions and refresh rates.

Partial or complete DDC support is available in most of the video drivers. DDC is enabled by default, but can be disabled with a "Device" section entry: Option "NoDDC". We have support for DDC versions 1 and 2; these can be disabled independently with Option "NoDDC1" and Option "NoDDC2".

At startup the server prints out DDC information from the display, and can use this information to set the default monitor parameters, or to warn about monitor sync limits if those provided in the configuration file don't match those that are detected.

Changed behavior caused by DDC.

Several drivers use DDC information to set the screen size and pitch. This can be overridden by explicitly resetting it to the and non-DDC default value 75 with the -dpi 75 command line option for the X server, or by specifying appropriate screen dimensions with the "DisplaySize" keyword in the "Monitor" section of the config file.

GLX and the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)

Direct rendered OpenGL® support is provided for several hardware platforms by the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI). Further information about DRI can be found at the DRI Project's web site. The 3D core rendering component is provided by Mesa.

Of note is that this release supports building the X server using the system-wide libdrm. Previously, drm was kept in the server's tree and loaded as a module, rather than using the standard OS mechanisms for managing shared libraries of code. This requires that the server be built using a version of libdrm of 2.3.0 or newer if it is to use DRM.

Terminate Server keystroke

The Xorg server has previously allowed users to exit the server by pressing the keys Control + Alt + Backspace. While this function is still enabled by default in this release, the keymap data usually used with Xorg, from the xkeyboard-config project, has been modified to not map that sequence by default, in order to reduce the chance that inexperienced users will accidentally destroy their work.

Users who wish to have this functionality available by default may enable it via the XKB configuration option “terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp”. For instance, the setxkbmap command can be used to enable this by running:

	setxkbmap -option "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
Many desktop environments include XKB configuration options in their preferences to enable this as well.

X Server startup state

The X servers in the X11R7.5 release now start by default with an empty black screen and do not draw the mouse cursor until a client sets the cursor image. To restore the classic behavior of starting with the grey weave pattern and × cursor, start the X server with the -retro option.

Font support

Details about the font support in X11R7.5 can be found in the README.fonts document.

Default font installation directory

Previous versions of X installed font files under the lib/X11/fonts subdirectory of the X installation directory (for instance, in X11R6 releases, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts was commonly used). This release changes the default installation path to the fonts subdirectory of the datadir setting from the GNU autoconf configuration. For instance, if the fonts are configured with ./configure --prefix=/usr, they will be installed under subdirectories of /usr/share/fonts/X11. The font module configure scripts all take an option of --with-fontrootdir=PATH to override the default. If --with-fontrootdir is not specified, the fontutil pkg-config file will be consulted to find the fontrootdir specified when the fontutil module was installed.

Bitmap font compression methods

The X11R7.5 release supports PCF format bitmap fonts stored uncompressed or compressed via the compress, gzip, or bzip2 programs. To utilize bzip2 compression, the libXfont and mkfontscale modules must be built with the --with-bzip2 — all other methods are enabled by default.

To specify which compression method to use when installing a font module from X11R7.5 the configure scripts accept an option of --with-compression=TYPE, where TYPE may be none, compress, gzip, or bzip2.

Type1 Font support

Previous versions of X came with two Postscript Type1 font backends. The functionality from the “Type1” backend has been replaced by the Type1 support in the “FreeType” backend.

CID Font support

The CID-keyed font format was designed by Adobe Systems for fonts with large character sets. The CID-keyed format is obsolete, as it has been superseded by other formats such as OpenType/CFF and support for CID-keyed fonts has been removed from X11.

Build changes and issues

Silent build rules

Most of the modules in this release use the AM_SILENT_RULES option of GNU automake 1.11. When building the software, most output will show an abbreviated format for the commands being run, such as:

   CC	xmen.o
To enable verbose output, showing all the arguments to the commands being run, add the flag V=1 to the make command line or add the flag --disable-silent-rules to the configure command.

New configure options for font modules

Several new options have been added to the configure scripts for font modules in this release. See the Font support section of this document for details of the --with-fontrootdir=PATH and --with-compression=TYPE options.

Changes to extension headers

The C language header files for a number of X11 protocol extensions were refactored in this release to better split the protocol definitions and the client library definitions. Efforts were made to retain compatibility for existing software, but use of some headers may now trigger warnings suggesting including new or more appropriate headers instead.

Since these changes were made to files in both the proto and lib modules for each extension, builders upgrading individual modules will have to update these modules in unison to avoid breaking builds of software using the headers from these modules.


This section describes other items of note for the X11R7.5 release.

Socket directory ownership and permissions

The socket directories created in /tmp are now required to be owned by root and have their sticky-bit set. If the permissions are not set correctly, the component using this directory will print an error message and fail to start. Common socket directories that are known to be affected include:

These directories are used by the font server (xfs), applications using the Inter-Client Exchange protocol (ICE) and the X server, respectively.

There are several solutions to the problem of when to create these directories. They could be created at install time by the system's installer if the /tmp dir is persistent. They could be created at boot time by the system's boot scripts (e.g., the init.d scripts). Or, they could be created by PAM modules at service startup or user login time.

The solution chosen is platform dependent, and the system administrator should be able to handle creating those directories on any systems that do not have the correct ownership or permissions.

Composite exposes extra visuals

When the Composite extension is enabled, a new visual is created. This visual is different from the other visuals used by X applications in that it includes an alpha component. It is used by the compositing manager and other Composite aware applications.

Most X applications ignore this visual since it is not useful to them; however some applications mistakenly try to use it, which will cause them to fail. An environment variable, XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS, was added to the X11 library to hide this visual from applications that mistakenly try to use it. If an application fails only when the Composite is enabled, try setting this environment variable before starting the application.

Deprecated components and removal plans

This section lists current plans for removal of obsolete or deprecated components in the X.Org releases. As our releases are open source, users who continue to require these can find the source in previous releases and continue to use these, but the X.Org Foundation and its volunteers have decided the burden of continued maintenance and distribution in the core X11 releases outweighs the benefits of doing so. In some cases, this is simply because no one has volunteered to do continued maintenance, so if software is listed here that you need, you can contact to volunteer to take over maintainership, either inside or outside of the Xorg release process.

Future Removals

DGA version 2

DGA 2.0 is included in 7.5. Documentation for the client libraries can be found in the XDGA(3) man page. DGA should be considered deprecated; if you are relying on it, please let us know what you need it for so we can find better solutions.

Input device discovery via HAL

The Xorg server currently uses the HAL framework to discover connected input devices, receive notification of hotplug events for them, and to retrieve configuration parameters for them. The HAL maintainers have deprecated HAL, so the X.Org developers are investigating alternatives. As a result, configuration of input devices via HAL *.fdi files may not be supported in future Xorg server releases.

Xsdl server

The experimental Xsdl server has never been finished or maintained, and will be removed in future X server releases.

Removed in this Release


The Xprint server and extension have been removed in this release. The libXaw8 variant of the Athena Widgets which added Xprint widgets has been removed from this release. Xprint support in a number of client programs has also been removed.

kdrive servers

The kdrive X servers for vesa, ati, chips, epson, i810, igs, ipaq, itsy, mach64, mga, neomagic, nvidia, pcmcia, pm2, r128, savage, sis300, sis530, smi, trident, trio, ts300, via, and vxworks have been removed in this release. Most of these have not worked or been maintained in recent releases.

Unmaintained extensions

Support has been removed from the X servers for the following extensions, which were obsolete, not widely used, or not working:

  • AppGroup

  • EVI

  • FontCache



  • XTrap

  • XFree86-Misc

  • XEvIE

Xorg configuration utilities

The xorgcfg GUI and xorgconfig CLI utilities have been removed in this release. See the Configuration File section for alternative methods of Xorg configuration.


The ioport utility and its aliases (inb, inw, inl, outb, outw, and outl) for manipulating I/O space addresses directly have been removed in this release.


This section lists the credits for the X11R7.5 release. For a more detailed breakdown, refer to the ChangeLog file in the source tree for each module, the history in the xorg product in's git repositories or the 'git log' information for individual source files.

The X Window System has been a collaborative effort from its inception. Our apologies for anyone or organization inadvertently overlooked. Many individuals (including major contributors) who worked on X are represented by their employers in this list. If you feel we have left anyone out, please let us know.

These people contributed in some way to X11R7.5:

Aaron PlattnerJordan Crouse
Aaron ZangJoseph Adams
Adam HokaJosh Triplett
Adam JacksonJuan RP
Adam TkacJulien Cristau
Adel GadllahJulien Plissonneau Duquene
Adrian FriedliJuliusz Chroboczek
Alan CoopersmithKalev Lember
Alan CoxKazuhiro Inaoka
Alan CurryKees Cook
Alan HourihaneKeith Packard
Albert DamenKel Modderman
Alberto MiloneKen Thomases
Alex DeucherKevin E Martin
Alex Villacís LassoKhaled Hosny
Alexey TenKim Woelders
Ander Conselvan de OliveiraKristian Høgsberg
Andre HermsKrzysztof Halasa
Andreas LuikKshitij Kulshreshtha
Andres SalomonKyle McMartin
Andrew RandrianasuluLee Leahu
Arkadiusz MiśkiewiczLi Peng
Arnaud PatardLi Shao Hua
Arthur HUILLETLubos Lunak
AsbjøannesLuc Verhaegen
Barry ScottLukáš Hejtmánek
Bart MasseyLukasz Kurylo
Bart TrojanowskiMa Ling
Bastien NoceraMaarten Maathuis
BatchtyMaciej Cencora
Ben ByerMagnus Kessler
Ben GamariMagnus Vigerlöf
Ben HutchingsManuel Bouyer
Ben NorthMarcel Dejean
Ben SkeggsMarcin Baczyński
Benjamin CloseMarcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Benjamin DefnetMark Kettenis
Benjamin HerrenschmidtMark van Doesburg
Benjamin TissoiresMarkus Gapp
Bernhard R. LinkMarkus Kuhn
Bernhard RosenkraenzerMart Raudsepp
Bill NottinghamMartin-Éric Racine
Bob HamMathieu Bérard
Bob LongMatt Helsley
Brad SmithMatt Turner
Branden RobinsonMatthias Clasen
Brian RogersMatthias Hopf
Brice GoglinMatthieu Herrb
Bryce HarringtonMattia Dongili
Calvin FongMaxim Levitsky
Caolan McNamaraMicah Dowty
Carl WorthMichael Chapman
CharlieMichael Cree
Chris BallMichael Lorenz
Chris SalchMichael Scherer
Chris WilsonMichael Verret
Christiaan van DijkMichael Vogt
Christian AistleitnerMichael Witrant
Christian BeierMichael Witten
Christian KoenigMichel Dänzer
Christian SchmittMikhail Gusarov
Christoph BrillMikko Niskanen
Christoph PfisterMilos Komarcevic
Coleman KaneNathael Pajani
Colin GuthrieNathaniel McCallum
Colin HarrisonNeale Pickett
Cooper YuanNicolai Hähnle
Corbin SimpsonNicos Gollan
DanNiels de Vos
Dan NicholsonNirbheek Chauhan
Daniel DrakeOliver McFadden
Daniel StoneOlivier Blin
Daniel VetterOlivier Fourdan
Darren SmithOtavio Salvador
Dave AirlieOwain Gordon Ainsworth
Dave MillerOwen W. Taylor
David Janderparag
David MarxPatrick Haller
David MillerPaul Bender
David NoldenPaul Menzel
David NusinowPaul "TBBle" Hampson
David SchleefPauli Nieminen
Dennis KasprzykPaulo César Pereira de Andrade
Derek UphamPaulo Ricardo Zanoni
Derek WangPeter Alfredsen
Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' PettenòPeter Åstrand
Dima KoganPeter Breitenlohner
Dmitry TorokhovPeter Harris
Dodji SeketeliPeter Hutterer
Donald KayserPeter Korsgaard
Donnie BerkholzPetr Salinger
Doug ChapmanPhilip Langdale
Drew ParsonsPierre Ossman
Eamon WalshPierre Willenbrock
Ed CatmurPierre-Loup A. Griffais
Eduard BagrovRafael Ávila de Espíndola
Eduard FuchsRALOVICH, Kristóf
edward shuRami Ylimaki
Egbert EichRamon van der Stelt
Emilio Jesús Gallego AriasRémi Cardona
Eric AnholtRichard Hughes
Eric ParisRobert Lowery
Éric PielRobert Noland
Erik AndrenRoland Bär
Erkin BahceciRoland Scheidegger
Evgeny M. ZubokRoss Burton
Eygene RyabinkinRyan Hill
FabioRyan Lortie
Federico Mena QuinteroSamuel Thibault
Fedor P. Goncharov (Fredy)Sascha Hlusiak
Felix KuehlingSayamindu Dasgupta
Fernando CarrijoShaohua Li
Filippo GiunchediShelley Gong
Francis GiraldeauShuang He
Francisco JerezShunichi Fuji
Fredrik HöglundSimon Farnsworth
Gaetan NadonSimon Munton
George Peter StaplinSimon Thum
George SapountzisSøren Hauberg
George StaplinSøren Sandmann Pedersen
Giuseppe BilottaStefan Dirsch
Goneri Le BouderStijn van Drongelen
Guillem JoverStuart Bennett
Hans de GoedeStuart Kreitman
Hasso TepperTero Saarni
Havoc PenningtonTheppitak Karoonboonyanan
Helge BahmannThomas Bodzar
Henrik RydbergThomas Jaeger
Henry unbongoThomas Klausner
Hong LiuThomas Petazzoni
Hugo JacquesThorvald Natvig
Ian RomanickTiago Vignatti
Imranullah SyedTibi Nagy
Ivaylo BoyadzhievTilman Sauerbeck
Jakob BornecrantzTimo Aaltonen
Jakub BoguszTom Jaeger
James CloosTomas Carnecky
Jamey SharpTomas Janousek
Jamie LentinTopi Kanerva
Jason Vas DiasTormod Volden
Jasper Lievisse Adriaansevehemens
Jay CottonVincent Mussard
Jeff Smithwalter
Jens GranseuerWerner LEMBERG
Jens HerdenWill Thompson
Jeremy C. ReedWilliam Grant
Jeremy HuddlestonWinfried Grünewald
Jeremy JayWolke Liu
Jeremy LainéWu Fengguang
Jeremy UejioXake
Jerome GlisseXavier Bestel
Jerome PinotXiang, Haihao
Jesse AdkinsXue Wei
Jesse BarnesY.C. Chen
Jesse RuffinYaakov Selkowitz
Jie LuoYan Li
Jim HuangYang Zhao
Jochen VossYann Droneaud
Joe KrahnYannick Heneault
Joel BosveldYinan Shen
John Hein오유연(Yu-yeon Oh)
John McKernanZdenek Kabelac
John NielsenZhao Yakui
John TapsellZhenyu Wang
Jon TURNEYZou Nan hai

This product includes software developed by:

2d3d Inc.Lars Knoll
3Dlabs Inc. Ltd.Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Aaron PlattnerLeif Delgass
Adam de BoorLennart Augustsson
Adam JacksonLeon Shiman
Adobe Systems Inc.Lexmark International Inc.
After X-TT ProjectLinus Torvalds
AGE Logic Inc.Luc Verhaegen
Alan CoopersmithMachine Vision Holdings Inc.
Alan CoxManfred Brands
Alan HourihaneMarc Aurele La France
Alexander GottwaldMark Adler
Alex DeucherMark J. Kilgard
Alex WilliamsonMark Leisher
Anders CarlssonMark Smulders
Andreas LuikMark Vojkovich
Andreas MonitzerMarvin Solomon
Andreas RobinsonMassachusetts Inst. Of Technology
Andrei BarbuMatrox Graphics
Andrew C AitchisonMatthew Grossman
Andy RitgerMatthias Hopf
Angus LeesMatthieu Herrb
Ani JoshiMetro Link Inc.
Anton ZiovievMichael Bax
Apollo Computer Inc.Michael H. Schimek
Apple Computer Inc.Michael P. Marking
Ares Software Corp.Michael Schimek
AT&T Inc.Michael Smith
ATI Technologies Inc.Michel Dänzer
BEAM Ltd.Mike A. Harris
Benjamin HerrenschmidtMike Harris
Benjamin RienfenstahlMing Yu
Ben SkeggsMIPS Computer Systems Inc.
Bigelow and HolmesNational Semiconductor
Bill ReynoldsNCR Corporation Inc.
Bitstream Inc.NetBSD Foundation
Bogdan DiaconescuNetscape Communications Corp.
Branden RobinsonNetwork Computing Devices Inc.
Brian Fundakowski FeldmanNicholas Joly
Brian GoinesNicholas Miell
Brian PaulNicholas Wourms
Bruno HaibleNicolai Haehnle
Bryan StineNoah Levitt
Carl SwitzkyNolan Leake
Catharon Productions Inc.Nokia Corporation
Charles MurckoNovell Inc.
Chen XiangyangNozomi YTOW
Chisato YamauchiNTT Software Corporation
Chris ConstelloNumber Nine Computer Corp.
Christian ZietzNumber Nine Visual Technologies
Cognition Corp.NVIDIA Corporation
Compaq Computer CorporationOivier Danet
Concurrent Computer CorporationOki Technosystems Laboratory Inc.
Conectiva S.A.Olivetti Research Limited
Corin AndersonOMRON Corporation
Craig StrubleOpen Software Foundation
Daewoo Electronics Co. Ltd.OpenedHand Ltd
Dag-Erling SmørgravOrest Zborowski
Dale SchumacherOwen Taylor
Damien MillerPablo Saratxaga
Daniel BerrangePanacea Inc.
Daniel BorcaPanagiotis Tsirigotis
Daniel StonePaolo Severini
Daniver LimitedPascal Haible
Daryll StraussPatrick Lecoanet
Data General CorporationPatrick Lerda
Dave AirliePaul Anderson
David BatemanPaul Elliott
David DawesPaul Mackerras
David E. WexelblatPeter Breitenlohner
David HollandPeter Kunzmann
David J. McKayPeter Trattler
David McCulloughPhilip Homburg
David Mosberger-TangPhilip Langdale
David RevemanPrecision Insight Inc.
David S. MillerPrentice Hall
David WoodhouseQuarterdeck Office Systems
Davor MaticRadek Doulik
Deron JohnsonRalf Habacker
Digeo Inc.Randy Hendry
Digital Equipment CorporationRanier Keller
Dirk HohndelRed Hat Inc.
Dmitry GolubevRegis Cridlig
Donnie BerkholzRene Cougnenc
DOS-EMU-Development-TeamRichard A. Hecker
Doug AnsonRichard Burdick
Drew ParsonsRich Murphey
Earle F. Philhower IIIRickard E. Faith
Edouard TISSERANTRik Faith
Eduard FuchsRobert Chesler
Eduardo HorvathRobert Millan
Egbert EichRobert V. Baron
Egmont KoblingerRobin Cutshaw
Elliot LeeRoland Mainz
Eric AnholtRoland Scheidegger
Eric FortuneRonny Vindenes
Eric SunshineRuss Blaine
Erik FortuneRyan Breen
Erik NygrenRyan Lortie
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp.Ryan Underwood
Fabio Massimo Di NittoS3 Graphics Inc.
Fabrizio GennariSam Leffler
Felix KuehlingSanta Cruz Operation Inc.
Felix KühlingSciTech Software
Finn ThoegersenScott Laird
Francesco Zappa NardelliSebastien Marineau
Frank C. EarlShigehiro Nomura
Frederic LepiedShoGraphics Inc.
Fredrik HöglundShunsuke Akiyama
Free Software FoundationSilicon Graphics Computer Systems
Fujitsu LimitedSilicon Integrated Systems Corp
Fujitsu Open Systems Solutions Inc.Silicon Motion Inc.
Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd.Simon P. Cooper
Geert UytterhoevenSnitily Graphics Consulting Services
George FufutosSony Corporation
Gerrit Jan AkkermanSøren Sandmann
Gerry TollSRI
Glenn G. LaiStanislav Brabec
GNOME FoundationStefan Dirsch
Go WatanabeStephane Marchesin
Google Summer of Code participantsStephan Lang
Greg Kroah-HartmanSteven Lang
Gregory MokhinStuart Kreitman
Greg ParkerSun Microsystems Inc.
Guy MartinSuSE Inc
Hans OeySven Luther
Harald KoenigTakis Psarogiannakopoulos
Harm HanemaayerTakuma Murakami
Harold L Hunt IITakuya SHIOZAKI
Harry LangenbacherT. A. Phelps
Henry A. WorthTektronix Inc.
Hewlett-Packard CompanyTheo de Raadt
Hitachi LtdTheodore Ts'o
Holger VeitThe Open Group
Hong Bo PengThe Weather Channel Inc.
Howard GreenwellThomas E. Dickey
Hummingbird Communications Ltd.Thomas G. Lane
Ian RomanickThomas Hellström
IBM CorporationThomas Mueller
Inst. of Software Academia SinicaThomas Roell
Intel CorporationThomas Thanner
INTERACTIVE Systems CorporationThomas Winischhofer
Itai NahshonThomas Wolfram
Ivan KokshayskyThorsten.Ohl
Ivan PascalTiago Gons
Jakub JelinekTilman Sauerbeck
James TsillasTodd C. Miller
Jason BaconTomohiro KUBOTA
Jaymz JulianTorrey Lyons
Jean-loup GaillyTorrey T. Lyons
Jeff HartmannTOSHIBA Corp.
Jeff KirkToshimitsu Tanaka
Jeffrey HsuTravis Tilley
Jehan BingTrolltech AS
Jeremy C. ReedTungsten Graphics Inc.
Jeremy KatzTuomas J. Lukka
Jerome GlisseTy Sarna
Jesse BarnesUCHIYAMA Yasushi
Jim GettysUnicode Inc.
Jim TsillasUniSoft Group Limited
John DennisUniversity of California
John HarperUniversity of South Australia
John HeasleyUniversity of Utah
Jonathan AdamczewskiUniversity of Wisconsin
Jon BlockUNIX System Laboratories Inc.
Jon SmirlURW++ GmbH
Jon TombsValery Inozemtsev
Jorge DelgadoVA Linux Systems
José FonsecaVIA Technologies Inc.
Joseph FriedmanVideo Electronics Standard Assoc.
Joseph V. MossVMware Inc.
Julio M. Merino VidalVrije Universiteit
Juliusz ChroboczekWittawat Yamwong
Jyunji TakagiWyse Technology Inc.
Kaleb KeithleyX Consortium
Kazushi (Jam) MarukawaXFree86 Project Inc.
Kazuyuki (ikko-) OkamotoXi Graphics Inc.
Kean JohnstonX-Oz Technologies
Keith PackardX-TrueType Server Project
Keith WhitwellYu Shao
Kensuke MatsuzakiZack Rusin
Kevin E. MartinZephaniah E. Hull
Kristian HøgsbergZhenyu Wang
Larry Wall 

This product includes software developed by The XFree86 Project, Inc ( and its contributors.

This product includes software that is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team (

This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou.

This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. ( and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by X-Oz Technologies (