X11R7.5 Manual Pages: Section 3: Library Functions
- AllPlanes - Display macros and functions
- BitmapBitOrder - image format functions and macros
- BitmapPad - image format functions and macros
- BitmapUnit - image format functions and macros
- BlackPixel - Display macros and functions
- BlackPixelOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- CellsOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- ClientWhitePointOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros
- ConnectionNumber - Display macros and functions
- DBE - Double Buffer Extension
- DefaultColormap - Display macros and functions
- DefaultColormapOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- DefaultDepth - Display macros and functions
- DefaultDepthOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- DefaultGC - Display macros and functions
- DefaultGCOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- DefaultRootWindow - Display macros and functions
- DefaultScreen - Display macros and functions
- DefaultScreenOfDisplay - Display macros and functions
- DefaultVisual - Display macros and functions
- DefaultVisualOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- DisplayCells - Display macros and functions
- DisplayHeight - image format functions and macros
- DisplayHeightMM - image format functions and macros
- DisplayOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros
- DisplayOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- DisplayPlanes - Display macros and functions
- DisplayString - Display macros and functions
- DisplayWidth - image format functions and macros
- DisplayWidthMM - image format functions and macros
- DMX - X Window System DMX (Distributed Multihead X) extension
- DMXAddInput - attach a new input
- DMXAddScreen - attach a new back-end screen
- DMXChangeDesktopAttributes - change global bounding box
- DMXChangeScreensAttributes - change back-end screen attributes
- DMXForceWindowCreation - force immediate back-end window creation
- DMXGetDesktopAttributes - determine global bounding box
- DMXGetInputAttributes - determine input device attributes
- DMXGetInputCount - determine number of input devices
- DMXGetScreenAttributes - determine back-end screen attributes
- DMXGetScreenCount - determine number of back-end screens
- DMXGetWindowAttributes - determine back-end window attributes
- DMXQueryExtension - determine if DMX is available
- DMXQueryVersion - determine DMX extension version
- DMXRemoveInput - detach an input
- DMXRemoveScreen - detach a back-end screen
- DMXSync - flush protocol requests between Xdmx and back-end X servers
- DoesBackingStore - screen information functions and macros
- DoesSaveUnders - screen information functions and macros
- DPMSCapable - returns the DPMS capability of the X server
- DPMSDisable - disables DPMS on the specified display
- DPMSEnable - enables DPMS on the specified display
- DPMSForceLevel - forces a DPMS capable display into the specified power level
- DPMSGetTimeouts - retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
- DPMSGetVersion - returns the version of the DPMS extension implemented by the X server
- DPMSInfo - returns information about the current DPMS state
- DPMSQueryExtension - queries the X server to determine the availability of the DPMS Extension
- DPMSSetTimeouts - permits applications to set the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
- EventMaskOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- Xfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library
- Xfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library
- Xfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library
- Xfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library
- Xfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library
- HeightMMOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- HeightOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- ImageByteOrder - image format functions and macros
- IsCursorKey - keysym classification macros
- IsFunctionKey - keysym classification macros
- IsKeypadKey - keysym classification macros
- IsMiscFunctionKey - keysym classification macros
- IsModifierKey - keysym classification macros
- IsPFKey - keysym classification macros
- IsPrivateKeypadKey - keysym classification macros
- LastKnownRequestProcessed - Display macros and functions
- MaxCmapsOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- XtPopdown, XtCallbackPopdown - unmap a pop-up
- XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, XtCallbackExclusive - map a pop-up
- MinCmapsOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- NextRequest - Display macros and functions
- PlanesOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- ProtocolRevision - Display macros and functions
- ProtocolVersion - Display macros and functions
- QLength - Display macros and functions
- RootWindow - Display macros and functions
- RootWindowOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- ScreenCount - Display macros and functions
- ScreenNumberOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros
- ScreenOfDisplay - Display macros and functions
- ScreenWhitePointOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros
- ServerVendor - Display macros and functions
- VendorRelease - Display macros and functions
- VisualOfCCC - Color Conversion Context macros
- WhitePixel - Display macros and functions
- WhitePixelOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- WidthMMOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- WidthOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- XActivateScreenSaver - manipulate the screen saver
- XAddConnectionWatch - handle Xlib internal connections
- XAddHost - control host access and host control structure
- XAddHosts - control host access and host control structure
- XAddPixel - image utilities
- XAddToSaveSet - change a client's save set
- XAllocClassHint - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
- XAllocColor - allocate and free colors
- XAllocColorCells - allocate and free colors
- XAllocColorPlanes - allocate and free colors
- XAllocIconSize - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
- XAllocNamedColor - allocate and free colors
- XAllocSizeHints - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XAllocStandardColormap - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
- XAllocWMHints - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
- XAllowDeviceEvents - release queued events
- XAllowEvents - release queued events
- XAnyEvent - generic X event structures
- XArc - draw arcs and arc structure
- Xau - X authority database routines
- XauDisposeAuth - X authority database routines
- XauFileName - X authority database routines
- XauGetAuthByAddr - X authority database routines
- XauGetBestAuthByAddr - X authority database routines
- XauLockAuth - X authority database routines
- XauReadAuth - X authority database routines
- XAutoRepeatOff - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XAutoRepeatOn - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XauUnlockAuth - X authority database routines
- XauWriteAuth - X authority database routines
- Xaw - X Athena Widgets
- XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet - obtain fontset information
- XBell - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XButtonEvent - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
- XChangeActivePointerGrab - grab the pointer
- XChangeDeviceControl - query and change input device controls
- XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
- XChangeDeviceKeyMapping - query or change device key mappings
- XChangeDeviceProperty - Get, change or delete a device's property.
- XChangeFeedbackControl - query and change input device feedbacks
- XChangeGC - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XChangeKeyboardControl - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XChangeKeyboardDevice - change which device is used as the X keyboard
- XChangeKeyboardMapping - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XChangePointerControl - control pointer
- XChangePointerDevice - change which device is the X pointer
- XChangeProperty - obtain and change window properties
- XChangeSaveSet - change a client's save set
- XChangeWindowAttributes - change window attributes
- XChar2b - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XCharStruct - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XCheckIfEvent - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
- XCheckMaskEvent - select events by type
- XCheckTypedEvent - select events by type
- XCheckTypedWindowEvent - select events by type
- XCheckWindowEvent - select events by type
- XCirculateEvent - CirculateNotify event structure
- XCirculateRequestEvent - CirculateRequest event structure
- XCirculateSubwindows - change window stacking order
- XCirculateSubwindowsDown - change window stacking order
- XCirculateSubwindowsUp - change window stacking order
- XClassHint - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
- XClearArea - clear area or window
- XClearWindow - clear area or window
- XClientMessageEvent - ClientMessage event structure
- XClipBox - generate regions
- XCloseDevice - open or close an extension input device
- XCloseDisplay - connect or disconnect to X server
- XCloseIM - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XCloseOM - open output methods
- XcmsAllocColor - allocate colors
- XcmsAllocNamedColor - allocate colors
- XcmsCCCOfColormap - query and modify CCC of a colormap
- XcmsCIELab - Xcms color structure
- XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
- XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
- XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
- XcmsCIELabQueryMinL - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
- XcmsCIELuv - Xcms color structure
- XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
- XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
- XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
- XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
- XcmsCIEuvY - Xcms color structure
- XcmsCIExyY - Xcms color structure
- XcmsCIEXYZ - Xcms color structure
- XcmsColor - Xcms color structure
- XcmsConvertColors - convert CCC color specifications
- XcmsCreateCCC - creating and destroying CCCs
- XcmsDefaultCCC - obtain the default CCC for a screen
- XcmsFreeCCC - creating and destroying CCCs
- XcmsLookupColor - obtain color values
- XcmsPad - Xcms color structure
- XcmsQueryBlack - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
- XcmsQueryBlue - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
- XcmsQueryColor - obtain color values
- XcmsQueryColors - obtain color values
- XcmsQueryGreen - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
- XcmsQueryRed - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
- XcmsQueryWhite - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
- XcmsRGB - Xcms color structure
- XcmsRGBi - Xcms color structure
- XcmsSetCCCOfColormap - query and modify CCC of a colormap
- XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc - modifying CCC attributes
- XcmsSetWhitePoint - modifying CCC attributes
- XcmsStoreColor - set colors
- XcmsStoreColors - set colors
- XcmsTekHVC - Xcms color structure
- XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
- XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
- XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
- XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
- XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
- XColor - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
- XColormapEvent - ColormapNotify event structure
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- Xcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- XConfigureEvent - ConfigureNotify event structure
- XConfigureRequestEvent - ConfigureRequest event structure
- XConfigureWindow - configure windows and window changes structure
- XContextDependentDrawing - obtain fontset information
- XContextualDrawing - obtain fontset information
- XConvertCase - convert keysyms
- XConvertSelection - manipulate window selection
- XCopyArea - copy areas
- XCopyColormapAndFree - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
- XCopyGC - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XCopyPlane - copy areas
- XCreateBitmapFromData - manipulate bitmaps
- XCreateColormap - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
- XCreateFontCursor - create cursors
- XCreateFontSet - create and free an international text drawing font set
- XCreateGC - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XCreateGlyphCursor - create cursors
- XCreateIC - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
- XCreateImage - image utilities
- XCreateOC - create output contexts
- XCreatePixmap - create or destroy pixmaps
- XCreatePixmapCursor - create cursors
- XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData - manipulate bitmaps
- XCreateRegion - create or destroy regions
- XCreateSimpleWindow - create windows and window attributes structure
- XCreateWindow - create windows and window attributes structure
- XCreateWindowEvent - CreateNotify event structure
- XCrossingEvent - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
- XcupGetReservedColormapEntries - list colormap entries reserved by the system
- XcupQueryVersion - Returns TOG-CUP protocol version supported by the X server
- XcupStoreColors - initialize shareable colormap entries at specific locations
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XCURSOR - Cursor management library
- XdbeAllocateBackBufferName - allocates a DBE buffer.
- XdbeBeginIdiom - marks the beginning of a DBE idiom sequence.
- XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName - frees a DBE buffer.
- XdbeEndIdiom - marks the end of a DBE idiom sequence.
- XdbeFreeVisualInfo - frees information returned by XdbeGetVisualInfo().
- XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes - returns attributes of a DBE buffer.
- XdbeGetVisualInfo - Get dbe Visual Informations
- XdbeQueryExtension - returns the version of DBE supported by the server.
- XdbeSwapBuffers - swaps front and back DBE buffers.
- XDefaultString - convert text lists and text property structures
- XDefineCursor - define cursors
- XDeleteContext - associative look-up routines
- XDeleteDeviceProperty - Get, change or delete a device's property.
- XDeleteModifiermapEntry - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XDeleteProperty - obtain and change window properties
- XDestroyIC - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
- XDestroyImage - image utilities
- XDestroyOC - create output contexts
- XDestroyRegion - create or destroy regions
- XDestroySubwindows - destroy windows
- XDestroyWindow - destroy windows
- XDestroyWindowEvent - DestroyNotify event structure
- XDeviceBell - ring a bell on a device supported through the input extension
- XDeviceTimeCoord - get device motion history
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XDirectionalDependentDrawing - obtain fontset information
- XDisableAccessControl - control host access and host control structure
- XDisplayKeycodes - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XDisplayMotionBufferSize - send events and pointer motion history structure
- XDisplayName - default error handlers
- XDisplayOfIM - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XDisplayOfOM - open output methods
- XDrawArc - draw arcs and arc structure
- XDrawArcs - draw arcs and arc structure
- XDrawImageString - draw image text
- XDrawImageString16 - draw image text
- XDrawLine - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
- XDrawLines - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
- XDrawPoint - draw points and points structure
- XDrawPoints - draw points and points structure
- XDrawRectangle - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
- XDrawRectangles - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
- XDrawSegments - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
- XDrawString - draw text characters
- XDrawString16 - draw text characters
- XDrawText - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
- XDrawText16 - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
- XEmptyRegion - determine if regions are empty or equal
- XEnableAccessControl - control host access and host control structure
- XEqualRegion - determine if regions are empty or equal
- XErrorEvent - X error event structure
- XEvent - generic X event structures
- XEventsQueued - handle output buffer or event queue
- XeviQueryExtension, XeviQueryVersion, XeviGetVisualInfo - X Extended Visual Information functions
- Xevie - X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
- Xevie - X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
- Xevie - X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
- Xevie - X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
- Xevie - X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
- Xevie - X Event Interception Extension (XEvIE)
- XeviGetVisualInfo - X Extended Visual Information functions
- XeviQueryExtension - X Extended Visual Information functions
- XeviQueryVersion - X Extended Visual Information functions
- XExposeEvent - Expose event structure
- XExtendedMaxRequestSize - Display macros and functions
- XExtentsOfFontSet - obtain the maximum extents structure for a font set
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, XF86MiscSetMouseSettings, XF86MiscGetKbdSettings, XF86MiscSetKbdSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscGetKbdSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscGetMouseSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, XF86MiscSetMouseSettings, XF86MiscGetKbdSettings, XF86MiscSetKbdSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscQueryExtension - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscQueryVersion - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscSetKbdSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscSetMouseSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86MiscQueryExtension, XF86MiscQueryVersion, XF86MiscGetMouseSettings, XF86MiscSetMouseSettings, XF86MiscGetKbdSettings, XF86MiscSetKbdSettings - Extension library for the XFree86-Misc X extension.
- XF86VidModeDeleteModeLine - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetDotClocks - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetGamma - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetModeLine - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetMonitor - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetPermissions - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeGetViewPort - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeModModeLine - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeQueryExtension - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeQueryVersion - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeSetClientVersion - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeSetGamma - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeSetViewPort - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeSwitchMode - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeSwitchToMode - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeValidateModeLine - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XF86VidModeQueryExtension, XF86VidModeQueryVersion, XF86VidModeSetClientVersion, XF86VidModeGetModeLine, XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines, XF86VidModeDeleteModeLine, XF86VidModeModModeLine, XF86VidModeValidateModeLine, XF86VidModeSwitchMode, XF86VidModeSwitchToMode, XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch, XF86VidModeGetMonitor, XF86VidModeGetViewPort, XF86VidModeSetViewPort, XF86VidModeGetDotClocks, XF86VidModeGetGamma, XF86VidModeSetGamma, XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp, XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp, XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize, XF86VidModeGetPermissions - Extension library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
- XFetchBuffer - manipulate cut and paste buffers
- XFetchBytes - manipulate cut and paste buffers
- XFetchName - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
- XFillArc - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
- XFillArcs - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
- XFillPolygon - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
- XFillRectangle - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
- XFillRectangles - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
- XFilterEvent - filter X events for an input method
- XFindContext - associative look-up routines
- XFixes - Augmented versions of core protocol requests
- XFlush - handle output buffer or event queue
- XFocusChangeEvent - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure
- Xfontcache - X-TrueType font cache extension client library
- XFontProp - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XFontSetExtents - XFontSetExtents structure
- XFontsOfFontSet - obtain fontset information
- XFontStruct - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XForceScreenSaver - manipulate the screen saver
- XFree - free client data
- XDGA - Client library for the XFree86-DGA extension.
- XFreeColormap - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
- XFreeColors - allocate and free colors
- XFreeCursor - manipulate cursors
- XFreeDeviceList - list available input devices
- XFreeEventData - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
- XFreeExtensionList - list available extensions
- XFreeFont - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XFreeFontInfo - obtain or free font names and information
- XFreeFontNames - obtain or free font names and information
- XFreeFontPath - set, get, or free the font search path
- XFreeFontSet - create and free an international text drawing font set
- XFreeGC - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XFreeModifierMap - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XFreePixmap - create or destroy pixmaps
- XFreeStringList - convert string lists and text property structure
- Xft - X FreeType interface library
- XGContextFromGC - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XGCValues - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XGenericEventCookie - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
- XGetAtomName - create or return atom names
- XGetAtomNames - create or return atom names
- XGetClassHint - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
- XGetCommand - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
- XGetDeviceButtonMapping - query or change device button mappings
- XGetDeviceControl - query and change input device controls
- XGetDeviceDontPropagateList - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
- XGetDeviceFocus - control extension input device focus
- XGetDeviceKeyMapping - query or change device key mappings
- XGetDeviceModifierMapping - query or change device modifier mappings
- XGetDeviceMotionEvents - get device motion history
- XGetDeviceProperty - Get, change or delete a device's property.
- XGetErrorDatabaseText - default error handlers
- XGetErrorText - default error handlers
- XGetEventData - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
- XGetExtensionVersion - query the version of the input extension.
- XGetFeedbackControl - query and change input device feedbacks
- XGetFontPath - set, get, or free the font search path
- XGetFontProperty - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XGetGCValues - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
- XGetGeometry - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
- XGetIconName - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
- XGetIconSizes - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
- XGetICValues - set and obtain XIC values
- XGetImage - transfer images
- XGetIMValues - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XGetInputFocus - control input focus
- XGetKeyboardControl - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XGetKeyboardMapping - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XGetModifierMapping - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XGetMotionEvents - send events and pointer motion history structure
- XGetOCValues - create output contexts
- XGetOMValues - open output methods
- XGetPixel - image utilities
- XGetPointerControl - control pointer
- XGetPointerMapping - manipulate pointer settings
- XGetRGBColormaps - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
- XGetScreenSaver - manipulate the screen saver
- XGetSelectedExtensionEvents - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
- XGetSelectionOwner - manipulate window selection
- XGetSubImage - transfer images
- XGetTextProperty - set and read text properties
- XGetTransientForHint - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
- XGetVisualInfo - obtain visual information and visual structure
- XGetWindowAttributes - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
- XGetWindowProperty - obtain and change window properties
- XGetWMClientMachine - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
- XGetWMColormapWindows - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
- XGetWMHints - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
- XGetWMIconName - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
- XGetWMName - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
- XGetWMNormalHints - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XGetWMProtocols - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
- XGetWMSizeHints - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XGetXCBConnection - get the XCB connection for an Xlib Display
- XGrabButton - grab pointer buttons
- XGrabDevice - grab/release the specified extension device
- XGrabDeviceButton - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons
- XGrabDeviceKey - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys
- XGrabKey - grab keyboard keys
- XGrabKeyboard - grab the keyboard
- XGrabPointer - grab the pointer
- XGrabServer - grab the server
- XGraphicsExposeEvent - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
- XGravityEvent - GravityNotify event structure
- XHostAddress - control host access and host control structure
- XIChangeHierarchy - change the device hierarchy.
- XIChangeProperty - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
- XIconifyWindow - manipulate top-level windows
- XIconSize - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
- XIDefineCursor - define device cursors.
- XIDeleteProperty - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
- XIfEvent - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
- XIFreeDeviceInfo - get information about devices.
- XIGetClientPointer - set or get the ClientPointer device.
- XIGetFocus - set or get the device's focus.
- XIGetProperty - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
- XIGetSelectedEvents - select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
- XIGrabButton - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
- XIGrabDevice - grab or ungrab the device.
- XIGrabEnter - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
- XIGrabFocusIn - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
- XIGrabKeycode - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
- XIListProperties - List a device's properties.
- XIMOfIC - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
- Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
- Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
- Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
- Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
- Xinerama - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
- XInitImage - image utilities
- XInitThreads - multi-threading support
- XInsertModifiermapEntry - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XInstallColormap - control colormaps
- XInternalConnectionNumbers - handle Xlib internal connections
- XInternAtom - create or return atom names
- XInternAtoms - create or return atom names
- XIntersectRegion - region arithmetic
- XIQueryDevice - get information about devices.
- XIQueryPointer - get device pointer coordinates.
- XIQueryVersion - announce and query the support XI2 version.
- XISelectEvents - select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
- XISetClientPointer - set or get the ClientPointer device.
- XISetFocus - set or get the device's focus.
- XIUndefineCursor - define device cursors.
- XIUngrabButton - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
- XIUngrabDevice - grab or ungrab the device.
- XIUngrabEnter - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
- XIUngrabFocusIn - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
- XIUngrabKeycode - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
- XIWarpPointer - move a device's pointer.
- XkbActionCtrls - Returns the ctrls fields of act converted to an unsigned int
- XkbAddDeviceLedInfo - Initialize an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
- XkbAddGeomColor - Add one color name to an existing keyboard geometry description
- XkbAddGeomDoodad - Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or to the top-level geometry
- XkbAddGeomKey - Add one key at the end of an existing row of keys
- XkbAddGeomKeyAlias - Add one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry description
- XkbAddGeomOutline - Add one outline to an existing shape
- XkbAddGeomOverlay - Add one overlay to a section
- XkbAddGeomOverlayKey - Add a key to an existing overlay row
- XkbAddGeomOverlayRow - Add a row to an existing overlay
- XkbAddGeomProperty - Add one property to an existing keyboard geometry description
- XkbAddGeomRow - Add a row to a section
- XkbAddGeomSection - Add one section to an existing keyboard geometry
- XkbAddGeomShape - Add a shape to a keyboard geometry
- XkbAddSymInterpret - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
- XkbAllocClientMap - Allocate and initialize an empty client map description record
- XkbAllocCompatMap - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not already have one available
- XkbAllocControls - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
- XkbAllocDeviceInfo - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
- XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
- XkbAllocGeomColors - Allocate geometry colors
- XkbAllocGeomDoodads - Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geometry
- XkbAllocGeometry - Allocate an entire geometry
- XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases - Allocate geometry key aliases
- XkbAllocGeomKeys - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of keys to a row
- XkbAllocGeomOutlines - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of outlines to a shape
- XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeys - Allocate keys in an overlay row
- XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows - Allocate rows in a overlay
- XkbAllocGeomOverlays - Allocate overlays in a section
- XkbAllocGeomPoints - Allocate points in an outline
- XkbAllocGeomProps - Allocate geometry properties
- XkbAllocGeomRows - Allocate rows in a section
- XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads - Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
- XkbAllocGeomSections - Allocate geometry sections
- XkbAllocGeomShapes - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry shapes
- XkbAllocIndicatorMaps - Allocates, directly, the indicators member of the keyboard description record
- XkbAllocKeyboard - Creates a keyboard description from scratch
- XkbAllocNames - Allocate symbolic names structures
- XkbAllocServerMap - Allocate and initialize an empty server map description record
- XkbApplyCompatMapToKey - Apply the new compatibility mapping to an individual key to get its semantics updated
- XkbBell - Rings the bell on the default keyboard
- XkbBellEvent - Provides a function that initiates a bell event for the keyboard without ringing the bell
- XkbChangeControls - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description
- XkbChangeDeviceInfo - Update the server's description of a device with the changes noted in an XkbDeviceChangesRec
- XkbChangeEnabledControls - Manipulates the EnabledControls control
- XkbChangeIndicators - Changes indicator maps or state without passing the entire keyboard description
- XkbChangeMap - Update only partial components of a keyboard description, modify the appropriate fields in the server and map components of a local copy of the keyboard description
- XkbChangeNames - _summary-line_
- XkbChangeTypesOfKey - Change the number of groups and the types bound to a key
- XkbComputeRowBounds - Update the bounding box of a row
- XkbComputeSectionBounds - Update the bounding box of a section
- XkbComputeShapeBounds - Updates the bounding box of a shape
- XkbComputeShapeTop - Determines the bounding box of the top surface of a shape
- XkbCopyKeyType - Copy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures
- XkbCopyKeyTypes - Copy more than one XkbKeyTypeRec structure
- XkbDeviceBell - Rings the bell on an X input extension device or the default keyboard
- XkbDeviceBellEvent - Creates a bell event for an X input extension device or for the keyboard, without ringing the corresponding bell
- XkbFindOverlayForKey - Find the alternate name by using the primary name for a key that is part of an overlay
- XkbForceBell - Overrides user preference settings for audible bells to ring the bell on the default keyboard
- XkbForceDeviceBell - Rings the bell on any keyboard, overriding user preference settings for audible bells
- XkbFreeClientMap - Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbFreeCompatMap - Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions of one
- XkbFreeComponentList - Free the structure returned by XkbListComponents
- XkbFreeControls - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbFreeDeviceInfo - Free an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
- XkbFreeGeomColors - Free geometry colors
- XkbFreeGeomDoodads - Free geometry doodads
- XkbFreeGeometry - Free an entire geometry
- XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases - Free geometry key aliases
- XkbFreeGeomKeys - Free geometry keys
- XkbFreeGeomOutlines - Free geometry outlines
- XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys - Free keys in an overlay row
- XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows - Free rows in an overlay
- XkbFreeGeomOverlays - Free rows in a section
- XkbFreeGeomPoints - Free points in a outline
- XkbFreeGeomProperties - Free geometry properties
- XkbFreeGeomRows - Free rows in a section
- XkbFreeGeomSections - Free geometry sections
- XkbFreeGeomShapes - Free geometry shapes
- XkbFreeIndicatorMaps - Frees memory used by the indicators member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbFreeKeyboard - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of its members
- XkbFreeNames - Free symbolic names structures
- XkbFreeServerMap - Free memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec structure
- XkbGetAccessXTimeout - Queries the current AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
- XkbGetAutoRepeatRate - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
- XkbGetAutoResetControls - Gets the current values of the auto-reset controls
- XkbGetBounceKeysDelay - Queries the current BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device.
- XkbGetCompatMap - Fetch any combination of the current compatibility map components from the server
- XkbGetControls - Finds the current state of Xkb server controls
- XkbGetControlsChanges - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description with the changes previously noted by one or more calls to XkbNoteControlsChanges
- XkbGetDetectableAutorepeat - Determines whether or not the server supports DetectableAutorepeat
- XkbGetDeviceButtonActions - Query the button actions associated with an X Input Extension device
- XkbGetDeviceInfo - Determine whether the X server allows Xkb access to particular capabilities of input devices other than the core X keyboard, or to determine the status of indicator maps, indicator names or button actions on a non-KeyClass extension device
- XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges - Query the changes that have occurred in the button actions or indicator names and indicator maps associated with an input extension device
- XkbGetDeviceLedInfo - Query the indicator names, maps, and state associated with an LED feedback of an input extension device
- XkbGetGeometry - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyboard description
- XkbGetIndicatorChanges - Updates a local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of one or more calls to XkbNoteIndicatorChanges
- XkbGetIndicatorMap - Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a mask to specify the indicators
- XkbGetIndicatorState - Obtains the current state of the keyboard indicators
- XkbGetKeyActions - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbChangeTypesOfKey - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description from the server
- XkbGetKeyboard - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard device description
- XkbGetKeyboardByName - Build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to optionally have the server use the resulting description to replace an active one
- XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents - Obtain the explicit components (the explicit array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeyModifierMap - Update the modifier map for one or more of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeySyms - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetKeyTypes - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping
- XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
- XkbGetMap - Allocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with the server's keyboard client map and server map
- XkbGetNameChanges - Update the local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of the results of one or more calls to XkbNoteNameChanges
- XkbGetNamedGeometry - Loads a keyboard geometry description from this database by name
- XkbGetNamedIndicator - Look up the indicator map and other information for an indicator by name
- XkbGetNames - Obtain symbolic names from the server
- XkbGetSlowKeysDelay - Gets the SlowKeys acceptance delay for a keyboard device
- XkbGetState - Obtains the keyboard state
- XkbGetStickyKeysOptions - Queries the current StickyKeys attributes for a keyboard device
- XkbGetUpdatedMap - Update the client or server map information in an existing keyboard description
- XkbGetVirtualMods - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the vmods array) in a keyboard description
- XkbGetXlibControls - Determines the current state of the Library Controls
- XkbIgnoreExtension - Prevents core X library keyboard functions from using the X Keyboard Extension
- XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes - Set the definitions of the canonical key types in a client map to their default values
- XkbKeyAction - Returns the key action
- XkbKeyActionEntry - Returns the key action corresponding to group grp and shift level lvl from the two-dimensional table of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyActionsPtr - Returns a pointer to the two-dimensional array of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeycodeToKeysym - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a specified group and shift level
- XkbKeyGroupInfo - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyGroupsWidth - Computes the maximum width associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyGroupWidth - Computes the width of the type associated with the group grp for the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyHasActions - Determines if the key corresponding to keycode has any actions associated with it
- XkbKeyNumActions - Computes the number of actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyNumGroups - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeyNumSyms - Returns the total number of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeySymEntry - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift and group grp from the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeySymsOffset - Returns the offset of the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeySymsPtr - Returns the pointer to the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
- XkbKeysymToModifiers - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular keysym on the core keyboard
- XkbKeyType - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
- XkbKeyTypeIndex - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
- XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols - Determine the Xkb key types appropriate for the symbols bound to a key in a core keyboard mapping
- XkbLatchGroup - Latches the keysym group
- XkbLatchModifiers - Latches and unlatches any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
- XkbLibraryVersion - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
- XkbListComponents - List of components for one or more component types
- XkbLockGroup - Locks the keysym group
- XkbLockModifiers - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
- XkbLookupKeyBinding - Find the string bound to a key by XRebindKeySym
- XkbLookupKeySym - Find the symbol associated with a key for a particular state
- XkbModActionVMods - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted to the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
- XkbNoteControlsChanges - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a client receives an XkbControlsNotify event
- XkbNoteDeviceChanges - Note device changes reported in an XkbExtensionDeviceNotify event
- XkbNoteIndicatorChanges - Notes the changes in a changes structure
- XkbNoteNameChanges - Note the changed names in a changes structure
- XkbOpenDisplay - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use.
- XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo - Returns only the out-of-range processing information from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
- XkbOutOfRangeGroupNumber - Returns the out-of-range group number, represented as a group index, from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
- XkbPtrActionX - Returns the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act converted to a signed int
- XkbPtrActionY - Returns the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act converted to a signed int
- XkbQueryExtension - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
- XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping - Update the keyboard description that is internal to the X library
- XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions - Allocate additional space for button actions in an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
- XkbResizeKeyActions - Change the number of actions bound to a key
- XkbResizeKeySyms - Change the number of symbols bound to a key
- XkbResizeKeyType - Change the number of levels in a key type
- XkbSAActionSetCtrls - Sets the ctrls0 through ctrls3 fields of act from ctrls
- XkbSAGroup - Returns the group_XXX field of act converted to a signed int
- XkbSAPtrDfltValue - Returns the valueXXX field of act converted to a signed int
- XkbSARedirectSetVMods - Sets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
- XkbSARedirectSetVModsMask - Sets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act from vm
- XkbSARedirectVMods - Returns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
- XkbSARedirectVModsMask - Returns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
- XkbSAScreen - Returns the screenXXX field of act converted to a signed int
- XkbSASetGroup - Sets the group_XXX field of act from the group index grp
- XkbSASetPtrDfltValue - Sets the valueXXX field of act from val
- XkbSASetScreen - Sets the screenXXX field of act from s
- XkbSelectEventDetails - Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and optionally places conditions on when events of that type are reported to your client
- XkbSelectEvents - Selects and / or deselects for delivery of one or more Xkb events and has them delivered under all conditions
- XkbSetAccessXTimeout - Configures the AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
- XkbSetAutoRepeatRate - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
- XkbSetAutoResetControls - Changes the current values of the AutoReset control attributes
- XkbSetBounceKeysDelay - Sets the BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device
- XkbSetCompatMap - Modify the server's compatibility map
- XkbSetControls - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctrls structure in a local copy of the keyboard description
- XkbSetDebuggingFlags - Change the values of any of the debug controls
- XkbSetDetectableAutorepeat - Sets DetectableAutorepeat
- XkbSetDeviceButtonActions - Change only the button actions for an input extension device
- XkbSetDeviceInfo - Modify some or all of the characteristics of an X Input Extension device
- XkbSetIgnoreLockMods - Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be reported in matching events to passive grabs
- XkbSetIndicatorMap - Downloads the changes to the server based on modifications to a local copy of the keyboard description which will update the maps for one or more indicators
- XkbSetMap - Send a complete new set of values for entire components to the server.
- XkbSetModActionVMods - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
- XkbSetNamedIndicator - Names an indicator if it is not already named; toggles the state of the indicator; sets the indicator to a specified state and sets the indicator map for the indicator
- XkbSetNames - Change the symbolic names in the server
- XkbSetPtrActionX - Sets the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act from the signed integer value x
- XkbSetPtrActionY - Sets the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act from the signed integer value y
- XkbSetServerInternalMods - Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the server before events are delivered to the client
- XkbSetXlibControls - Changes the state of the Library Controls
- XkbTranslateKeyCode - Translate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers
- XkbTranslateKeySym - Find the string and symbol associated with a keysym for a given keyboard state
- XkbUpdateMapFromCore - Update a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the mapping expressed by a core format mapping
- XkbVirtualModsToReal - Determines the mapping of virtual modifiers to core X protocol modifiers
- XKeyboardControl - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XKeycodeToKeysym - convert keysyms
- XKeyEvent - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
- XKeymapEvent - KeymapNotify event structure
- XKeysymToKeycode - convert keysyms
- XKeysymToString - convert keysyms
- XKillClient - control clients
- XListDepths - Display macros and functions
- XListDeviceProperties - List a device's properties.
- XListExtensions - list available extensions
- XListFonts - obtain or free font names and information
- XListFontsWithInfo - obtain or free font names and information
- XListHosts - control host access and host control structure
- XListInputDevices - list available input devices
- XListInstalledColormaps - control colormaps
- XListPixmapFormats - image format functions and macros
- XListProperties - obtain and change window properties
- XLoadFont - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XLoadQueryFont - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XLocaleOfFontSet - obtain fontset information
- XLocaleOfIM - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XLocaleOfOM - open output methods
- XLockDisplay - multi-threading support
- XLookupColor - obtain color values
- XLookupKeysym - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
- XLookupString - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
- XLowerWindow - change window stacking order
- XMapEvent - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
- XMappingEvent - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
- XMapRaised - map windows
- XMapRequestEvent - MapRequest event structure
- XMapSubwindows - map windows
- XMapWindow - map windows
- XMaskEvent - select events by type
- XMatchVisualInfo - obtain visual information and visual structure
- XMaxRequestSize - Display macros and functions
- XmbDrawImageString - draw image text using a single font set
- XmbDrawString - draw text using a single font set
- XmbDrawText - draw text using multiple font sets
- XmbLookupString - obtain composed input from an input method
- XmbResetIC - reset the state of an input context
- XmbSetWMProperties - set standard window properties
- XmbTextEscapement - obtain the escapement of text
- XmbTextExtents - compute text extents
- XmbTextListToTextProperty - convert text lists and text property structures
- XmbTextPerCharExtents - obtain per-character information for a text string
- XmbTextPropertyToTextList - convert text lists and text property structures
- XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, XmbufDestroyBuffers, XmbufDisplayBuffers, XmbufGetWindowAttributes, XmbufChangeWindowAttributes, XmbufGetBufferAttributes, XmbufChangeBufferAttributes, XmbufGetScreenInfo, XmbufCreateStereoWindow - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufChangeBufferAttributes - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufChangeWindowAttributes - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufCreateBuffers - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufCreateStereoWindow - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufDestroyBuffers - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufDisplayBuffers - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufGetBufferAttributes - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufGetScreenInfo - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufGetVersion - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufGetWindowAttributes - X multibuffering functions
- XmbufQueryExtension - X multibuffering functions
- XModifierKeymap - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XMotionEvent - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
- XMoveResizeWindow - configure windows and window changes structure
- XMoveWindow - configure windows and window changes structure
- XNewModifiermap - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XNextEvent - select events by type
- XNoExposeEvent - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
- XNoOp - No Operation
- XOffsetRegion - region arithmetic
- XOMOfOC - create output contexts
- XOpenDevice - open or close an extension input device
- XOpenDisplay - connect or disconnect to X server
- XOpenIM - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XOpenOM - open output methods
- XParseColor - obtain color values
- XParseGeometry - parse window geometry
- XPeekEvent - select events by type
- XPeekIfEvent - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
- XPending - handle output buffer or event queue
- XPixmapFormatValues - image format functions and macros
- XPoint - draw points and points structure
- XPointInRegion - determine if regions are empty or equal
- XPolygonRegion - generate regions
- XProcessInternalConnection - handle Xlib internal connections
- XPropertyEvent - PropertyNotify event structure
- XPutBackEvent - put events back on the queue
- XPutImage - transfer images
- XPutPixel - image utilities
- XQueryBestCursor - manipulate cursors
- XQueryBestSize - determine efficient sizes
- XQueryBestStipple - determine efficient sizes
- XQueryBestTile - determine efficient sizes
- XQueryColor - obtain color values
- XQueryColors - obtain color values
- XQueryDeviceState - query the state of an extension input device.
- XQueryExtension - list available extensions
- XQueryFont - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XQueryKeymap - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
- XQueryPointer - get pointer coordinates
- XQueryTextExtents - compute or query text extents
- XQueryTextExtents16 - compute or query text extents
- XQueryTree - query window tree information
- XRaiseWindow - change window stacking order
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- XReadBitmapFile - manipulate bitmaps
- XReadBitmapFileData - manipulate bitmaps
- XRebindKeysym - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
- XRecolorCursor - manipulate cursors
- XReconfigureWMWindow - manipulate top-level windows
- XRectangle - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
- XRectInRegion - determine if regions are empty or equal
- XRefreshKeyboardMapping - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
- XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XRemoveConnectionWatch - handle Xlib internal connections
- XRemoveFromSaveSet - change a client's save set
- XRemoveHost - control host access and host control structure
- XRemoveHosts - control host access and host control structure
- XReparentEvent - ReparentNotify event structure
- XReparentWindow - reparent windows
- XRes - X-Resource extension client library
- XResetScreenSaver - manipulate the screen saver
- XResizeRequestEvent - ResizeRequest event structure
- XResizeWindow - configure windows and window changes structure
- XResourceManagerString - obtain server resource properties
- XRes - X-Resource extension client library
- XRes - X-Resource extension client library
- XRes - X-Resource extension client library
- XRes - X-Resource extension client library
- XRes - X-Resource extension client library
- XRestackWindows - change window stacking order
- XrmCombineDatabase - merge resource databases
- XrmCombineFileDatabase - merge resource databases
- XrmDestroyDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmEnumerateDatabase - enumerate resource database entries
- XrmGetDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmGetFileDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmGetResource - retrieve database resources and search lists
- XrmGetStringDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmInitialize - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
- XrmLocaleOfDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmMergeDatabases - merge resource databases
- XrmOptionDescRec - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
- XrmOptionKind - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
- XrmParseCommand - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
- XrmPermStringToQuark - manipulate resource quarks
- XrmPutFileDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmPutLineResource - store database resources
- XrmPutResource - store database resources
- XrmPutStringResource - store database resources
- XrmQGetResource - retrieve database resources and search lists
- XrmQGetSearchList - retrieve database resources and search lists
- XrmQGetSearchResource - retrieve database resources and search lists
- XrmQPutResource - store database resources
- XrmQPutStringResource - store database resources
- XrmQuarkToString - manipulate resource quarks
- XrmSetDatabase - retrieve and store resource databases
- XrmStringToBindingQuarkList - manipulate resource quarks
- XrmStringToQuark - manipulate resource quarks
- XrmStringToQuarkList - manipulate resource quarks
- XrmUniqueQuark - manipulate resource quarks
- XrmValue - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
- XRotateBuffers - manipulate cut and paste buffers
- XRotateWindowProperties - obtain and change window properties
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- Xrandr - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
- XSaveContext - associative look-up routines
- XScreenNumberOfScreen - screen information functions and macros
- XScreenResourceString - obtain server resource properties
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XSegment - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
- XSelectExtensionEvent - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
- XSelectInput - select input events
- XSelectionClearEvent - SelectionClear event structure
- XSelectionEvent - SelectionNotify event structure
- XSelectionRequestEvent - SelectionRequest event structure
- XSendEvent - send events and pointer motion history structure
- XSendExtensionEvent - send input extension events to a client
- XSetAccessControl - control host access and host control structure
- XSetAfterFunction - enable or disable synchronization
- XSetArcMode - GC convenience routines
- XSetBackground - GC convenience routines
- XSetClassHint - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
- XSetClipMask - GC convenience routines
- XSetClipOrigin - GC convenience routines
- XSetClipRectangles - GC convenience routines
- XSetCloseDownMode - control clients
- XSetCommand - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
- XSetDashes - GC convenience routines
- XSetDeviceButtonMapping - query or change device button mappings
- XSetDeviceFocus - control extension input device focus
- XSetDeviceMode - change the mode of a device
- XSetDeviceModifierMapping - query or change device modifier mappings
- XSetDeviceValuators - initialize the valuators on an extension input device
- XSetErrorHandler - default error handlers
- XSetEventQueueOwner - set event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB connection
- XSetFillRule - GC convenience routines
- XSetFillStyle - GC convenience routines
- XSetFont - GC convenience routines
- XSetFontPath - set, get, or free the font search path
- XSetForeground - GC convenience routines
- XSetFunction - GC convenience routines
- XSetGraphicsExposure - GC convenience routines
- XSetICFocus - set and unset input context focus
- XSetIconName - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
- XSetIconSizes - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
- XSetICValues - set and obtain XIC values
- XSetIMValues - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XSetInputFocus - control input focus
- XSetIOErrorHandler - default error handlers
- XSetLineAttributes - GC convenience routines
- XSetLocaleModifiers - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
- XSetModifierMapping - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
- XSetOCValues - create output contexts
- XSetOMValues - open output methods
- XSetPlaneMask - GC convenience routines
- XSetPointerMapping - manipulate pointer settings
- XSetRegion - create or destroy regions
- XSetRGBColormaps - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
- XSetScreenSaver - manipulate the screen saver
- XSetSelectionOwner - manipulate window selection
- XSetState - GC convenience routines
- XSetStipple - GC convenience routines
- XSetSubwindowMode - GC convenience routines
- XSetTextProperty - set and read text properties
- XSetTile - GC convenience routines
- XSetTransientForHint - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
- XSetTSOrigin - GC convenience routines
- XSetWindowAttributes - create windows and window attributes structure
- XSetWindowBackground - change window attributes
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap - change window attributes
- XSetWindowBorder - change window attributes
- XSetWindowBorderPixmap - change window attributes
- XSetWindowBorderWidth - configure windows and window changes structure
- XSetWindowColormap - change window attributes
- XSetWMClientMachine - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
- XSetWMColormapWindows - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
- XSetWMHints - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
- XSetWMIconName - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
- XSetWMName - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
- XSetWMNormalHints - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XSetWMProperties - set standard window properties
- XSetWMProtocols - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
- XSetWMSizeHints - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, XShapeCombineRectangles, XShapeCombineMask, XShapeCombineShape, XShapeOffsetShape, XShapeQueryExtents, XShapeSelectInput, XShapeInputSelected, XShapeGetRectangles - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeCombineMask - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeCombineRectangles - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeCombineRegion - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeCombineShape - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeGetRectangles - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeInputSelected - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeOffsetShape - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeQueryExtension - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeQueryExtents - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeQueryVersion - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShapeSelectInput - X nonrectangular shape functions
- XShmQueryExtension, XShmQueryVersion, XShmPixmapFormat, XShmAttach, XShmDetach XShmCreateImage, XShmPutImage, XShmGetImage, XShmCreatePixmap, XShmGetEventBase - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmAttach - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmCreateImage - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmCreatePixmap - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmDetach - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmGetEventBase - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmGetImage - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmPixmapFormat - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmPutImage - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmQueryExtension - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShmQueryVersion - X Shared Memory extension functions
- XShrinkRegion - region arithmetic
- XSizeHints - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
- XScreenSaver - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
- XStandardColormap - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
- XStoreBuffer - manipulate cut and paste buffers
- XStoreBytes - manipulate cut and paste buffers
- XStoreColor - set colors
- XStoreColors - set colors
- XStoreName - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
- XStoreNamedColor - set colors
- XStringListToTextProperty - convert string lists and text property structure
- XStringToKeysym - convert keysyms
- XSubImage - image utilities
- XSubtractRegion - region arithmetic
- XSupportsLocale - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
- XSync - handle output buffer or event queue
- XSynchronize - enable or disable synchronization
- XtAddActions - register an action table
- XtAddCallback - add and remove callback procedures
- XtAddCallbacks - add and remove callback procedures
- XtAddConverter - register resource converter
- XtAddEventHandler - add and remove event handlers
- XtAddExposureToRegion - merge exposure events into a region
- XtAddGrab - redirect user input to a modal widget
- XtAddInput - register input, timeout, and workprocs
- XtAddRawEventHandler - add and remove event handlers
- XtAddTimeOut - register input, timeout, and workprocs
- XtAddWorkProc - register input, timeout, and workprocs
- XtAllocateGC - obtain a sharable GC with modifiable fields
- XtAppAddActionHook - register an action hook procedure
- XtAppAddActions - register an action table
- XtAppAddBlockHook - register a block hook procedure
- XtAppAddConverter - register resource converter
- XtAppAddInput - register and remove an input source
- XtAppAddSignal - register and remove a signal source
- XtAppAddTimeOut - register and remove timeouts
- XtAppAddWorkProc - Add and remove background processing procedures
- XtAppCreateShell - create top-level widget instance
- XtAppError - low-level error handlers
- XtAppErrorMsg - high-level error handlers
- XtAppGetErrorDatabase - obtain error database
- XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error database
- XtAppGetExitFlag - thread support functions
- XtAppGetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain selection timeout values
- XtAppInitialize - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtAppLock - lock and unlock application context
- XtAppMainLoop - query and process events and input
- XtAppNextEvent - query and process events and input
- XtAppPeekEvent - query and process events and input
- XtAppPending - query and process events and input
- XtAppProcessEvent - query and process events and input
- XtAppReleaseCacheRefs - decrement reference counts for resources
- XtAppSetErrorHandler - low-level error handlers
- XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler - high-level error handlers
- XtAppSetExitFlag - thread support functions
- XtAppSetFallbackResources - set fallback resources
- XtAppSetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain selection timeout values
- XtAppSetTypeConverter - register resource converter
- XtAppSetWarningHandler - low-level error handlers
- XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler - high-level error handlers
- XtAppUnlock - lock and unlock application context
- XtAppWarning - low-level error handlers
- XtAppWarningMsg - high-level error handlers
- XtAugmentTranslations - manage translation tables
- XtBuildEventMask - retrieve a widget's event mask
- XtCallAcceptFocus - calla widget's accept_focus procedure
- XtCallActionProc - invoke an action procedure directly
- XtCallbackExclusive - map a pop-up
- XtCallbackNone - map a pop-up
- XtCallbackNonexclusive - map a pop-up
- XtCallbackPopdown - unmap a pop-up
- XtCallCallbackList - process callbacks
- XtCallCallbacks - process callbacks
- XtCallConverter - invoke resource converters
- XtCalloc - memory management functions
- XtCancelSelectionRequest - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
- XtChangeManagedSet - manage and unmanage children
- XtCheckSubclass - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtClass - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtCloseDisplay - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtConfigureWidget - move and resize widgets
- XtConvert - invoke resource converters
- XtConvertAndStore - invoke resource converters
- XtConvertCase - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
- XtCreateApplicationContext - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
- XtCreateApplicationShell - create top-level widget instance
- XtCreateManagedWidget - create and destroy widgets
- XtCreatePopupShell - create a popup shell
- XtCreateSelectionRequest - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
- XtCreateWidget - create and destroy widgets
- XtCreateWindow - window creation convenience function
- XtDatabase - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtDestroyApplicationContext - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
- XtDestroyWidget - create and destroy widgets
- XtDirectConvert - invoke resource converters
- XtDisownSelection - set selection owner
- XtDispatchEvent - query and process events and input
- XtDispatchEventToWidget - extension event handling
- XtDisplay - obtain window information about a widget
- XtDisplayInitialize - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtDisplayOfObject - obtain window information about a widget
- XtDisplayStringConversionWarning - issue a conversion warning message
- XtDisplayToApplicationContext - obtain an application context
- XtError - low-level error handlers
- XtErrorMsg - high-level error handlers
- XTestCompareCurrentCursorWithWindow - XTest extension functions
- XTestCompareCursorWithWindow - XTest extension functions
- XTestDiscard - XTest extension functions
- XTestFakeButtonEvent - XTest extension functions
- XTestFakeKeyEvent - XTest extension functions
- XTestFakeMotionEvent - XTest extension functions
- XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent - XTest extension functions
- XTestGrabControl - XTest extension functions
- XTestQueryExtension - XTest extension functions
- XTestSetGContextOfGC - XTest extension functions
- XTestSetVisualIDOfVisual - XTest extension functions
- XTextExtents - compute or query text extents
- XTextExtents16 - compute or query text extents
- XTextItem - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
- XTextItem16 - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
- XTextProperty - convert string lists and text property structure
- XTextPropertyToStringList - convert string lists and text property structure
- XTextWidth - compute text width
- XTextWidth16 - compute text width
- XtFindFile - search for a file using substitutions in the path list
- XtFree - memory management functions
- XtGetActionKeysym - obtain corresponding keysym
- XtGetActionList - obtain class action list
- XtGetApplicationNameAndClass - retrieve application name and class
- XtGetApplicationResources - obtain application resources
- XtGetClassExtension - locate a class extension record
- XtGetConstraintResourceList - obtain resource list
- XtGetDisplays - retrieve a list of displays associated with an application context
- XtGetErrorDatabase - obtain error database
- XtGetErrorDatabaseText - obtain error database
- XtGetGC - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
- XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget - extension event handling
- XtGetKeysymTable - query keysyms and keycodes
- XtGetMultiClickTime - set and get multi-click times
- XtGetResourceList - obtain resource list
- XtGetSelectionParameters - retrieve target parameters for a selection request with a single target
- XtGetSelectionRequest - retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSelectionProc
- XtGetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain selection timeout values
- XtGetSelectionValue - obtain selection values
- XtGetSelectionValueIncremental - obtain selection values
- XtGetSelectionValues - obtain selection values
- XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental - obtain selection values
- XtGetSubresources - obtain subresources
- XtGetSubvalues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtGetValues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtGrabButton - manage grabs
- XtGrabKey - manage grabs
- XtGrabKeyboard - manage grabs
- XtGrabPointer - manage grabs
- XtHasCallbacks - process callbacks
- XtHooksOfDisplay - external agent access points
- XTimeCoord - send events and pointer motion history structure
- XtInitialize - initialize
- XtInitializeWidgetClass - initialize a widget class
- XtInsertEventHandler - add and remove event handlers
- XtInsertEventTypeHandler - extension event handling
- XtInsertRawEventHandler - add and remove event handlers
- XtInstallAccelerators - managing accelerator tables
- XtInstallAllAccelerators - managing accelerator tables
- XtIsApplicationShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsComposite - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsConstraint - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsManaged - manage and unmanage children
- XtIsObject - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsOverrideShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsRealized - realize and unrealize widgets
- XtIsRectObj - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsSensitive - set and check a widget's sensitivity state
- XtIsSessionShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsSubclass - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsTopLevelShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsTransientShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsVendorShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsWidget - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtIsWMShell - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtKeysymToKeycodeList - query keysyms and keycodes
- XtLastEventProcessed - last event, last timestamp processed
- XtLastTimestampProcessed - last event, last timestamp processed
- XtMainLoop - query and process events and input
- XtMakeGeometryRequest - make geometry manager request
- XtMakeResizeRequest - make geometry manager request
- XtMalloc - memory management functions
- XtManageChild - manage and unmanage children
- XtManageChildren - manage and unmanage children
- XtMapWidget - map and unmap widgets
- XtMergeArgLists - set and merge ArgLists
- XtMoveWidget - move and resize widgets
- XtName - obtain widget's name
- XtNameToWidget - translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
- XtNew - memory management functions
- XtNewString - memory management functions
- XtNextEvent - query and process events and input
- XtNoticeSignal - register and remove a signal source
- XtNumber - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
- XtOffset - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
- XtOffsetOf - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
- XtOpenApplication - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtOpenDisplay - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtOverrideTranslations - manage translation tables
- XtOwnSelection - set selection owner
- XtOwnSelectionIncremental - set selection owner
- XtParent - obtain widget's parent widget id
- XtParseAcceleratorTable - managing accelerator tables
- XtParseTranslationTable - manage translation tables
- XtPeekEvent - query and process events and input
- XtPending - query and process events and input
- XtPopdown - unmap a pop-up
- XtPopup - map a pop-up
- XtPopupSpringLoaded - map a pop-up
- XtProcessEvent - query and process events and input
- XtProcessLock - lock and unlock process
- XtProcessUnlock - lock and unlock process
- XtQueryGeometry - query the preferred geometry of a child widget
- XTranslateCoordinates - translate window coordinates
- XtRealizeWidget - realize and unrealize widgets
- XtRealloc - memory management functions
- XtRegisterCaseConverter - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
- XtRegisterDrawable - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
- XtRegisterExtensionSelector - extension event handling
- XtRegisterGrabAction - register button and key grabs
- XtReleaseGC - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
- XtReleasePropertyAtom - maintain a cache of property atoms
- XtRemoveActionHook - register an action hook procedure
- XtRemoveAllCallbacks - add and remove callback procedures
- XtRemoveBlockHook - register a block hook procedure
- XtRemoveCallback - add and remove callback procedures
- XtRemoveCallbacks - add and remove callback procedures
- XtRemoveEventHandler - add and remove event handlers
- XtRemoveEventTypeHandler - extension event handling
- XtRemoveGrab - redirect user input to a modal widget
- XtRemoveInput - register and remove an input source
- XtRemoveRawEventHandler - add and remove event handlers
- XtRemoveSignal - register and remove a signal source
- XtRemoveTimeOut - register and remove timeouts
- XtRemoveWorkProc - Add and remove background processing procedures
- XtReservePropertyAtom - maintain a cache of property atoms
- XtResizeWidget - move and resize widgets
- XtResolvePathname - search for a file using standard substitution
- XtScreen - obtain window information about a widget
- XtScreenDatabase - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtScreenOfObject - obtain window information about a widget
- XtSendSelectionRequest - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
- XtSessionGetToken - token management for checkpointing
- XtSessionReturnToken - token management for checkpointing
- XtSetArg - set and merge ArgLists
- XtSetErrorHandler - low-level error handlers
- XtSetErrorMsgHandler - high-level error handlers
- XtSetEventDispatcher - extension event handling
- XtSetKeyboardFocus - focus events on a child widget
- XtSetKeyTranslator - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
- XtSetLanguageProc - set the language procedure
- XtSetMappedWhenManaged - map and unmap widgets
- XtSetMultiClickTime - set and get multi-click times
- XtSetSelectionParameters - specify target parameters for a selection request with a single target
- XtSetSelectionTimeout - set and obtain selection timeout values
- XtSetSensitive - set and check a widget's sensitivity state
- XtSetSubvalues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtSetTypeConverter - register resource converter
- XtSetValues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtSetWarningHandler - low-level error handlers
- XtSetWarningMsgHandler - high-level error handlers
- XtSetWMColormapWindows - Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
- XtStringConversionWarning - issue a conversion warning message
- XtSuperclass - obtain and verify a widget's class
- XtToolkitInitialize - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
- XtToolkitThreadInitialize - initialize the toolkit for multiple threads
- XtTranslateCoords - translate widget coordinates
- XtTranslateKeycode - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
- XtUngrabButton - manage grabs
- XtUngrabKey - manage grabs
- XtUngrabKeyboard - manage grabs
- XtUngrabPointer - manage grabs
- XtUninstallTranslations - manage translation tables
- XtUnmanageChild - manage and unmanage children
- XtUnmanageChildren - manage and unmanage children
- XtUnmapWidget - map and unmap widgets
- XtUnrealizeWidget - realize and unrealize widgets
- XtRegisterDrawable - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
- XtVaAppCreateShell - create top-level widget instance
- XtVaAppInitialize - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtVaCreateArgsList - dynamically allocate a varargs list
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget - create and destroy widgets
- XtVaCreatePopupShell - create a popup shell
- XtVaCreateWidget - create and destroy widgets
- XtVaGetApplicationResources - obtain application resources
- XtVaGetSubresources - obtain subresources
- XtVaGetSubvalues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtVaGetValues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtVaOpenApplication - initialize, open, or close a display
- XtVaSetSubvalues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtVaSetValues - obtain and set widget resources
- XtWarning - low-level error handlers
- XtWarningMsg - high-level error handlers
- XtWidgetToApplicationContext - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
- XtWindow - obtain window information about a widget
- XtWindowOfObject - obtain window information about a widget
- XtWindowToWidget - translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
- XUndefineCursor - define cursors
- XUngrabButton - grab pointer buttons
- XUngrabDevice - grab/release the specified extension device
- XUngrabDeviceButton - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons
- XUngrabDeviceKey - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys
- XUngrabKey - grab keyboard keys
- XUngrabKeyboard - grab the keyboard
- XUngrabPointer - grab the pointer
- XUngrabServer - grab the server
- XUninstallColormap - control colormaps
- XUnionRectWithRegion - region arithmetic
- XUnionRegion - region arithmetic
- XUniqueContext - associative look-up routines
- XUnloadFont - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
- XUnlockDisplay - multi-threading support
- XUnmapEvent - UnmapNotify event structure
- XUnmapSubwindows - unmap windows
- XUnmapWindow - unmap windows
- XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback - open, close, and obtain input method information
- XUnsetICFocus - set and unset input context focus
- Xutf8DrawImageString - draw image text using a single font set
- Xutf8DrawString - draw text using a single font set
- Xutf8DrawText - draw text using multiple font sets
- Xutf8LookupString - obtain composed input from an input method
- Xutf8ResetIC - reset the state of an input context
- Xutf8SetWMProperties - set standard window properties
- Xutf8TextEscapement - obtain the escapement of text
- Xutf8TextExtents - compute text extents
- Xutf8TextListToTextProperty - convert text lists and text property structures
- Xutf8TextPerCharExtents - obtain per-character information for a text string
- Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList - convert text lists and text property structures
- Xv - X Window System video extension
- XVaCreateNestedList - allocate a nested variable argument list
- XvCreateImage - create an XvImage
- XvFreeAdaptorInfo - free adaptor information
- XvFreeEncodingInfo - free encoding information
- XvGetPortAttribute - return current port attribute value
- XvGetStill - capture a single frame of video from a drawable
- XvGetVideo - capture video from a drawable
- XvGrabPort - lock port for exclusive use by client
- XVisibilityEvent - VisibilityNotify event structure
- XVisualIDFromVisual - obtain visual information and visual structure
- XVisualInfo - obtain visual information and visual structure
- XvListImageFormats - return list of image formats supported by a video port
- XvPortNotify - event generated when port attributes change
- XvPutImage - display an XvImage
- XvPutStill - write a single frame of video to a drawable
- XvPutVideo - write video into a drawable
- XvQueryAdaptors - return adaptor information for a screen
- XvQueryBestSize - determine the optimum drawable region size
- XvQueryEncodings - return list of encodings for an adaptor
- XvQueryExtension - return version and release of extension
- XvQueryPortAttributes - return list of attributes of a video port
- XvSelectPortNotify - enable or disable XvPortNotify events
- XvSelectVideoNotify - enable or disable VideoNotify events
- XvSetPortAttribute - sets an attribute of a video port
- XvShmCreateImage - create an XvImage
- XvShmPutImage - display an XvImage
- XvStopVideo - stop active video
- XvUngrabPort - release port grabbed for video operation
- XvVideoNotify - event generated for video processing
- XWarpPointer - move pointer
- XwcDrawImageString - draw image text using a single font set
- XwcDrawString - draw text using a single font set
- XwcDrawText - draw text using multiple font sets
- XwcFreeStringList - convert text lists and text property structures
- XwcLookupString - obtain composed input from an input method
- XwcResetIC - reset the state of an input context
- XwcTextEscapement - obtain the escapement of text
- XwcTextExtents - compute text extents
- XwcTextListToTextProperty - convert text lists and text property structures
- XwcTextPerCharExtents - obtain per-character information for a text string
- XwcTextPropertyToTextList - convert text lists and text property structures
- XWindowAttributes - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
- XWindowChanges - configure windows and window changes structure
- XWindowEvent - select events by type
- XWithdrawWindow - manipulate top-level windows
- XWMGeometry - parse window geometry
- XWMHints - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
- XWriteBitmapFile - manipulate bitmaps
- XXorRegion - region arithmetic