[11:59:49] [connected at Wed May 15 11:59:49 2024]
[11:59:49] [I have joined #xf-bod]
[12:00:18] <Lyude> Hey everyone, time for roll call. cmichael, emersion, Eighth_Doctor, ivyl, mfilion, kusma2 
[12:00:24] <ivyl> present
[12:00:31] <Eighth_Doctor> aloha!
[12:00:32] <emersion> hi
[12:00:42] <Eighth_Doctor> present
[12:01:00] <cmichael> here
[12:01:18] <mfilion> I'm somewhat around but running around at the same time so will do my best.
[12:01:55] * Eighth_Doctor is at LSFMMBPF so only slightly around
[12:03:25] <Lyude> So agenda for today: SFC, XDC, did we figure out board positions last time?
[12:03:40] <Lyude> I feel like we still needed someone to help out with organizing GSoC/EVoC
[12:04:35] <Lyude> for SFC: I don't think there's any updates, we're waiting to hear back from SFC regarding the khronos contract which should hopefully be soon
[12:04:40] <Lyude> mfilion: any updates for XDC?
[12:06:56] <Lyude> (also, will brb)
[12:07:10] <mfilion> I sent out the announcement & website for it, now working on getting the other pages up
[12:07:31] <mfilion> trying to figure out a better solution for the sponsors table than having to poke sysadmin every time an update is needed
[12:09:38] <Lyude> cool!
[12:09:46] <mfilion> also sorting out the liability insurance and deposit for the venue, but that should be done soon
[12:11:24] <Lyude> gotcha. and I guess since we're waiting for the website to be up before doing XDC board positions that can wait
[12:11:51] <mfilion> which website?
[12:12:03] <Lyude> oh! oops sorry
[12:12:10] <Lyude> you just said you sent the website out lol
[12:12:14] <mfilion> the website is up, but only has the main page right now
[12:12:56] <mfilion> and we also got the mobile versions finally sorted by updating some code in the back-end
[12:13:03] <mfilion> (thank you daniels)
[12:13:23] <mfilion> so now we have an actual working mobile site for the first time since 2019 lol (better late than never)
[12:13:29] <Lyude> ooo
[12:14:34] <Lyude> ok - went through last meeting logs, we did figure out all of the board positions but GSoC. kusma2, emersion , or anyone else - are any of y'all maybe interested in helping out with that?
[12:15:14] <mfilion> btw Lyude did you see the emails regarding Khronos? I assume we need to add the signed agreement to our gitlab somewhere right? are you taking care of that?
[12:16:25] <Lyude> mfilion: you mean the signed one we just got from SFC? (whoops - I didn't notice they'd already attached that)
[12:17:40] <mfilion> Ann Thorsnes sent one on May 7
[12:17:45] <mfilion> countersigned by Khronos
[12:18:03] <Lyude> gotcha, I can make sure to store that in the gitlab then
[12:18:10] <mfilion> nice thks
[12:18:15] <emersion> (sorry, ENOTIME for GSoC)
[12:18:29] <Lyude> gotcha
[12:19:45] <Lyude> I guess we can see if kusma might be interested next meeting, otherwise we'll probably have to figure something else out regarding this
[12:20:06] <Lyude> cmichael: ^ I assume you don't have the time for this either btw?
[12:20:57] <cmichael> Lyude, I did a little bit of it my first year with Trevor, but I don't think I really have the time deal with it all myself
[12:21:03] <Lyude> gotcha
[12:21:15] <Lyude> I guess that's it for the meeting for the time being then, thanks for comin everyone
[12:21:39] <cmichael> Lyude, If we find someone who wants to handle it full time, then I could help here and there with some of it
[12:21:45] <Lyude> sure thing
[12:21:46] <cmichael> just can't commit to doing it all myself right now
[12:54:20] <kusma> I'm confused. https://www.x.org/wiki/BoardOfDirectors/ says the meeting are at 7PM UTC, at Thursdays. Can someone update that if that's not correct? If I don't know when the meeting is, I can't attend.
[12:55:01] <Lyude> kusma: oh geez you're right! thank you for pointing that out
[12:55:04] <Lyude> I'll make sure to fix that today
[12:55:21] <Lyude> fwiw too: the topic should also have the up to date time for the next meeting, except immediately after a holiday :P
[13:12:16] <sima> Lyude, maybe just mentioned that the next meeting is in the topic of that irc channel, I don't think we've ever update that for years :-/
[13:12:42] <sima> the google calendar is also probably out of date ...

[15:24:58] [disconnected at Wed May 15 15:24:58 2024]