[11:59:46] [connected at Wed May 29 11:59:46 2024]
[11:59:46] [I have joined #xf-bod]
[12:01:09] <Lyude> Hey everyone, time for roll call! Eighth_Doctor, emersion, ivyl, kusma, mfilion
[12:01:12] <ivyl> present
[12:01:20] <kusma> present
[12:01:21] <Eighth_Doctor> aloha
[12:01:27] <Eighth_Doctor> present
[12:01:28] <emersion> hi!
[12:02:37] <Lyude> Hi! So agenda for today: XDC (if mfilion is around), SFC, I think for the time being that's it?
[12:03:07] <Lyude> We haven't had any updates w/r/t to SFC quite yet so I'm going to try poking them today to see if they're waiting on anything from our side
[12:04:26] <Lyude> I guess we'll wait a little bit to see if mfilion comes around but if not this might just end up being a short meeting
[12:08:12] <Eighth_Doctor> meep
[12:08:27] <Eighth_Doctor> how long do we want to hold open then?
[12:08:52] <Lyude> maybe like 2 more minutes tbh
[12:09:06] <Lyude> i usually wait at least 5 and then end the meeting in situations like this, and we've already waited a few minutes :)
[12:09:21] <Eighth_Doctor> sounds good
[12:09:48] <Lyude> tbh I wonder if most of the rest of the board is on vacation as well
[12:10:25] <Eighth_Doctor> it's quite possible
[12:10:36] <Lyude> alright - I think we can call the meeting for now then :). thanks for those who were able to make it!
[12:10:43] <Eighth_Doctor> :)
[12:10:46] <ivyl> thanks, cya o/
[12:10:50] <kusma> mfilion is not on vacation, BTW
[12:11:02] <kusma> at least not according to internal collabora spy tools
[12:11:26] <Lyude> oh huh
[12:11:26] <kusma> But oh well, bye everyone ;)
[12:12:07] <Lyude> I'm sure if they come back later with an XDC summary I can still add it to the agenda, I usually don't type up the notes and send them out until a bit later in the day anyway
[13:03:48] <emersion> oh, something i forgot
[13:05:27] <emersion> should we subscribe the board ML to the bod-archive repo?
[13:05:34] <emersion> something sima suggested
[13:36:43] <Lyude> emersion: how come?