[12:04:20] [connected at Wed Jun 12 12:04:20 2024]
[12:04:20] [I have joined #xf-bod]
[12:04:54] <Lyude> Time for roll call: Eighth_Doctor, emersion, ivyl, sima, kusma, mfilion
[12:04:57] <ivyl> present
[12:04:57] <mfilion> o/
[12:05:02] <kusma> present
[12:05:08] <sima> aye
[12:07:06] <sima> Lyude, btw https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorgfoundation/bod-archive/-/issues?label_name=Agenda
[12:07:24] <sima> maybe for extra fancy we could integrate this into the script?
[12:08:48] <sima> or at least I feel we're getting worse with dropping everything and forgetting details
[12:09:40] <Lyude> So the agenda for today: quick GSoC/EVoC update, XDC, and SFC handbook/declarations, x.org domain owners
[12:09:40] <Lyude> sima: wouldn't be a bad idea! honestly there's a couple of improvements I've wanted to make to the script at some point
[12:09:40] <Lyude> Oh - one question I had as well
[12:09:40] <Lyude> There is one person we want to bring onto the CoC team and I want to expense training for them, but I'm not sure ATM if I should be doing that through SPI or SFC?
[12:10:38] <Lyude> sima: that's fair tbh, I will at least try to get better about looking at the gitlab issues for this kind of thing more often sine that's what they're there for
[12:11:08] <sima> Lyude, spi is the one with money still
[12:11:10] <Lyude> also, the GSoC/EVoC update: we should just mark the program as paused at this point unless we've got anyone who can step up, since it seems that Maira has had to step down due to health issues going on right now
[12:11:12] <Lyude> sima: gotcha
[12:11:43] <Lyude> So mfilion did you want to go over XDC?
[12:12:43] <sima> I can drop a quick sponsor update for xdc24: 67k in moneys, 11 sponsors committed
[12:12:46] <sima> shoule be able to get some more
[12:14:04] <mfilion> XDC sure
[12:14:16] <mfilion> Made the 50% deposit on the venu so that's all settled now
[12:14:28] <mfilion> I'm talking to the company this week that did recording & streaming back in 2019 to get a quote, so I can complete the budgeting
[12:15:01] <mfilion> Starting to look at possible venues for a welcome event
[12:15:11] <mfilion> that's pretty much it for now
[12:16:14] <sima> is xdc25 also moving forward? ideally we approve a solid proposal before xdc24
[12:16:45] <sima> so that we can announce it and all that there like in pre-covid times
[12:17:19] <mfilion> I need to follow up no that, will send an email now
[12:17:23] <sima> thx
[12:17:26] <emersion> hi
[12:17:34] <Lyude> cool. so I guess SFC handbook/declarations: SFC sent this all out via email (if you didn't get the email let me know), and we need to submit conflict of interest declarations. I will try to get mine submitted today or tomorrow
[12:17:40] <Lyude> hey emersion 
[12:17:42] <sima> mfilion, we also have all the old proposals in the git repo, if you want to share some
[12:18:16] <mfilion> yep already had sent them a few
[12:18:26] <Lyude> As for all of the other stuff in the checklist, do we want to maybe go over all of that with SFC?
[12:18:39] <sima> Lyude, we need to get a lot more going for the spi->sfc transfer, see https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorgfoundation/bod-archive/-/issues/83
[12:18:51] <sima> Lyude, also currently sfc is using the old board list in their own xorg alias
[12:19:02] <sima> so that's already going to torpedo the mail from trace :-(
[12:19:23] <Lyude> sima: yeah ^ that's what I meant by the checklist :p. and gotcha, I will forward the emails in just a moment to the rest of the board (I assume we already let tracy know about the incorrect email?)
[12:19:36] <sima> Lyude, my take is this is all a bit too much a mess that we should sort out absolute basic logistics first, like sfc inviting the old board is just a mess
[12:19:59] <sima> Lyude, I replied to pono and cc: our board@, didn't bother with tracy
[12:20:45] <Lyude> sima: so by logistics you mean like getting the assets and policies acked first?
[12:22:45] <sima> Lyude, nah just making sure sfc talks to the current board :-)
[12:22:59] <sima> and then maybe meeting logistics and perhaps getting pono access to our issues or something like that
[12:23:04] <sima> so we stop dropping everything
[12:23:13] <Lyude> ah, gotcha
[12:23:32] <sima> pretty sure I jotted down the "what do we need to transfer" list a few times by now, that's why I created the issue
[12:24:14] <Lyude> sima: I guess I'll let tracy know after the meeting then and we can go from there w/r/t everything else?
[12:24:27] <sima> Lyude, ack
[12:24:51] <sima> I mean we can start sending the conflict of interest things too, but it's just not yet the right set of people even ...
[12:25:05] <sima> Lyude, oh other topic is https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorgfoundation/bod-archive/-/issues/84
[12:25:11] <sima> x.org expires in a bit more than half a year
[12:25:31] <sima> we can't renew it
[12:25:42] <sima> I think I'm the only one left on the board who knows the backstory
[12:25:46] <Lyude> yeah I was about to start typing that. have we tried to reach out to the domain owner yet like we had said we would?
[12:26:10] <Lyude> I remember i think someone else was supposed to handle that one (i'm not sure if you'd still be up for it sima?)
[12:26:29] <Lyude> (fwiw too, I remember the backstory as well though I wasn't here when it happened :)
[12:26:51] <sima> Lyude, no one volunteered
[12:27:08] <sima> and I'm not really keen either, imo we should just move over to xorg-foundation.org and call it done
[12:27:38] <Lyude> we probably should also fix the SSL certificate on that domain as well
[12:28:24] <Lyude> and yeah I mean if you think that's the best course of action I'd be fine with that - what does everyone else think? ( mfilion, emersion, kusma, ivyl, Eighth_Doctor). also, I guess we should probably go over the backstor a bit
[12:28:27] <Lyude> *backstoyr
[12:28:41] <sima> eh maybe not in public
[12:28:45] <Lyude> fair
[12:28:54] <sima> but yeah unless we get someone to volunteer, that's pretty much the only option
[12:28:58] <mfilion> I don't mind sending the person an email to ask if they're planning to renew, if that's what's needed? 
[12:29:06] <sima> that = fix the fd.o setup/ssl certs for xorg-foundation.org
[12:29:38] <sima> mfilion, yeah that's about the lowest effort thing, ideally we'll give it another shot to get it sorted
[12:29:52] <sima> thing is, I didn't really get even a reply iirc last time I tried
[12:30:02] <Lyude> and we're sure a domain dispute wouldn't work?
[12:30:10] <ivyl> I've heard some of the back story. I'm fine with the move if the transfer is not an option
[12:30:11] <sima> I have no idea
[12:30:35] <sima> trying that would be the more involved effort option
[12:31:03] <Lyude> I guess if we get the SFC ball rolling it might be worth asking them if they might be able to help out with that as well, if we think that's worth it. but otherwise yeah we can move
[12:31:05] <emersion> i'd be willing to try again
[12:31:09] <mfilion> we should at least give it another shot, and see what ehir plan is (if they reply)
[12:31:29] <sima> emersion, mfilion I'll drop the person's mail in your dms
[12:31:41] <emersion> ty
[12:32:13] <sima> oh it's also in the issue
[12:32:40] <Lyude> BTW - unless anyone has anything else I think that's basically it for the meeting
[12:32:48] <sima> Lyude, karen was involved in the og story 20 years ago, so might be complicated to get sfc involved
[12:32:50] <sima> it's a mess
[12:32:54] <Lyude> sima: ah right
[12:39:57] <sima> emersion, I added a few board archive links to the issue for the backstory
[12:40:04] <emersion> nice
[12:47:47] <kusma> Are we done now? I have somewhere I need to be soon ;)
[12:52:01] <kusma> I'll take that as a "yes". Have a good day / evening :)
[13:03:33] <sima> Lyude, ^^
[13:04:02] <Lyude> yes the meeting is over :P
[13:07:43] <Eighth_Doctor> oh sorry I missed everything
[13:07:53] <Eighth_Doctor> timezones are terrible
[13:12:44] * Eighth_Doctor is in Europe this month
[18:00:58] <alanc> sometimes it's hard to believe the autogenerated snark on the auto-posts of blogs from planet.fd.o isn't really human generated: https://floss.social/@XOrgFoundation/112603771945674778
[09:25:23] <samuelig> mfilion, any idea when the CfP will be open for XDC 2024?
[09:49:25] <mfilion> We don't have a CfP team yet, need to get on that soon
[12:01:36] <sima> should maybe send out the xdc25 rfp too while at it