Upcoming Events
- X.Org Developer's Conference: XDC2025, Vienna, Austria, September 29th through October 1st, 2025.
Recent Events
- X.Org Developer's Conference: XDC2024, Montréal, Canada, October 9th through October 11th, 2024.
Older Events
- Events more than a year old are archived.
XDC Attendance Sponsorship Policy
- Sponsorship is available for XDC presenters, no matter if physical or virtual conference.
- Sponsorship is available for one reporter from a Board-selected publisher (e.g. Linux Weekly News traditionally) that will be supplying an in-depth technical record of the talks for people who did not attend.
- The board will also consider requests from anyone who submitted a talk proposal to a conference relevant to X.org Foundation's member projects. Details will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the board.
- Requests must be posted to and approved by the X.org Foundation Board (email board@foundation.x.org)
See our Reimbursement Policy for details.
XDC Selection Process
The board has typed up expectations and the general process on the RFP page. XDC has an Anti-Harassment Policy. The program itself is assembled by the papers committee.